The Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bamberg
The Deutschlandstipendium provides financial and non-material support to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world. Modelled after the principle of public-private partnership, businesses, foundations or private individuals sponsor young talent with a pledge of 150 euros per month. The Federal Government matches this amount with another 150 euros. But there is even more: The University offers an exclusive programme for scholarship holders such as networking events.
Students and study applicants can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium once a year at the University of Bamberg. Scholarship holders receive a monthly funding of 300 euros. Modelled after the principle of public-private partnershio, businesses, foundations or private individuals sponsor young students with a pledge of 150 euros per month. The Federal Government matches this amount with another 150 euros.
Funding is normally granted for at least two semesters but may be provided for a maximum time which covers the standard period of study. At intervals of two semesters the university reviews whether the scholarship holder still meets the award criteria and whether private funding will continue to be available.

Applications are accepted by the University's Enrolment office from July, 1st to August, 31rd. Please consider the provided information and especially the FAQ section. If you have further questions don't hesitate to ask.
All enroled students and prospective students can apply for a Deutschlandstipendium.
Required Documents
The following documents must be handed in for a complete application:
- Enrolment certificate
- CV
- Letter of Motivation
- School leaving certificate: Abitur, Fachabitur, Abschluss Berufsausbildung, ggf. Arbeitszeugnis
- Transcript/Bachelor's Degree
- Proof of work experience, voluntary service etc.
Please save the documents as seperate PDF files and name them as follows: Name_Surname_XY.pdf

Selection procedure
Selection will be done by the Vice President Teaching & Learning in October. The Enrolment Office will inform all receivers of the Deutschlandstipendium immediately after the selection process is completed.

The main event of the Deutschlandstipendium takes place in January. The president of the university welcomes all scholarship holders as well as all donors to one of the university's faculties.
This event is also the beginning of the mentoring programme. Scholarship holders will get to know some of the donors over the year and will visit sveral companies.

Find the legal basis here (in German only, unfortunately):
The Deutschlandstipendium is a national scholarship programme launched in 2011 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It supports excellent students of all nationalities at German universities and colleges.