
De-registration or withdrawal of enrolment ends your rights and obligations as a student and your membership of the university.

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General Information

Students can request de-registration themselves.

  • either effective at the end of the current semester (from mid-January or mid-June, respectively) or
  • effective immediately (upon receipt of request)

If de-registration/withdrawal is to take place due to a change of university or an interruption of studies, it is advisable to always request de-registration/withdrawal at the end of the current semester, as this will not result in any interruptions with regard to insurance coverage.

You can request de-registration in writing at the Registrar's Office.

In the course of de-registration, you should check the possibility of a refund of any re-registration fees you have already paid for the next semester.

The refund of semester fees is governed by the provisions of the statutes of the Studierendenwerk W¨¹rzburg concerning an additional contribution for the transportation of students at the Bamberg university location on public transport (semester pubic transport pass(97.1 KB, 2 pages)) dated 28 November 2019, and the statutes of the Studierendenwerk W¨¹rzburg on the levying of the basic contribution (Grundbeitragssatzung(115.1 KB, 2 pages)) dated 4 April 2019.

Request for refund of semester fees(126.1 KB)



The following documents must be submitted at the time of de-registration