Safekeeping & Handling

Chip cards are high-tech products. In order to ensure their functionality, they must be handled properly in order to avoid permanently damaging the microchip that is on the card.

Please avoid the following:

  • bending the card excessively (the antenna may break)
  •  prolonged curvature or exposure to high temperatures (causes problems when printing validation information on the TRW strip)
  • seriously soiling or scratching the card surface, as well as exposure to other mechanical force (damage to the thermo-chrome layer, application of adhesives or markings)
  • chemical exposure (e.g. by washing the card)

Chip cards should always be kept in a protective sleeve to extend their operating life. Sleeves should not contain softeners or plasticisers. Plasticiser migration can make plastic cards brittle and thus cause them to break.

If chip cards become unusable due to improper handling, they will be replaced at the user¡¯s expense.