After the Application
What are the Next Steps?
When your application has been received, your documents are checked by the International Office.
When Applying for Courses of Study with Admissions Restrictions (‘Numerus Clausus’)
When all documentation has been submitted and when both the academic and German language proficiency requirements are fulfilled, you will automatically receive precise information on the rest of the admission procedure.
Letters of admission and letters of rejection are issued after the application deadline only as the admissions procedure will not start before this date (the submission deadline for applications for the summer semester is 15 January; the deadline for the winter semester is 15 July). This means that you will be notified whether your application has been successful either at the end of January/beginning of February (for the summer semester) or the end of July/beginning of August (for the winter semester) at the earliest.
When Applying for Non-Restricted Courses of Study, the German Semester Course for Study Purposes or the Studienkolleg
When your documentation is complete and when you have fulfilled both the academic and German language proficiency requirements, your letter of admission will be sent to you directly.
Notifications of Rejection
Notifications of rejection are sent out on an ongoing basis during the application period.
Enrolment: Admission to Studienkolleg Munich
Your letter of admission contains detailed information on how to enrol.
Enrolment: Admission to the University of Bamberg
Enrolment (= matriculation) is compulsory for students.
Step 1: Transfer of the semester contribution fees
Important: You must transfer the semester contribution fees before you send your enrolment documents to the Studierendenkanzlei (Enrolment Office).
Step 2: Enrolment in the Studierendenkanzlei(Enrolment Office)
Enrolment is only possible by post. The documents for enrolment (see below) must be sent by post to the following address:
- Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Studierendenkanzlei, Kapuzinerstra?e 25, 96047 Bamberg, Deutschland
- Homepage Studierendenkanzlei (Enrolment Office)
- E-Mail: studierendenkanzlei(at)
- Phone: +49 (0) 951-863-1024
Enrolment: Required Documents
Your submitted application documents will be handed over to the Academic Registrar's Office after you have been admitted for enrolment and will then be part of your student file.
Important: If the original application documents are transferred to an electronic e-file in the Student Office, the certified certificates must be digitalised and will be destroyed afterwards for the purpose of scanning. This is the case, for example, if a Bachelor's student transfers to a Master's, then only one e-file will continue to be maintained in the Academic Registrar's Office.
Check List for Arrival

Please note that the university and public offices are closed on a weekend (which begins at midday on Friday and ends on Sunday) and on public holidays.
In the next few days you need to take care of a lot of important formalities. When planning your arrival, it is always wise to arrive a few days earlier to allow enough time for searching for accommodation and for going to public offices and authorities.
To bring:
- Letter of admission
- All documents of your university entry qualification & proof of German language knowledge
- Passport
- Sufficient cash
To do:
- Health insurance*
- Enrolment*
- Search for a room (rental agreement, make an appointment for getting your key, etc.)*
- Plan your studies*
- Citizen Registration Office (Einwohneramt)/Aliens Registration Office (Ausl?nderbeh?rde)*
? register your address and - if necessary - apply for a Residence Permit (Aufenthaltstitel) - Open a bank account and e.g. pay your rent and rental deposit into the account*
* See next paragraph for detailed information on these topics.
Formalities & Organisation
Visas | Citizen Registration Office/Aliens Registration Office | Health Insurance | Opening a Bank Account | Liability Insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung)
Enrolment Office (Studierendenkanzlei) | Semester Planning | Costs | Scholarships | Accommodation in Bamberg | Student Welfare Services/Studentenwerk | Further Information for your Studies