Prior to Applying: Prerequisites
When you apply, the International Office checks whether you have the necessary qualifications:
- Type of university entry qualification (HZB: Hochschulzugangsberechtigung)
- German language proficiency
University Entry Qualifications (Approval)
Your correctly completed application must be sent by post in due form and time. An evaluation of your documents is not possible if certificates or requests are sent via e-mail.
Evaluation of Higher Education Certificates
The International Office evaluates higher education certificates from foreign countries.
Evaluations of higher education certificates are based on the database anabin of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB: Zentralstelle f¨¹r ausl?ndisches Bildungswesen). Possible evaluations of higher education certificates:
- Direct entry (direkter Zugang) (for all subjects or subject-restricted)
- Pre-university examination/Studienkolleg: for all specialised courses or subject-restricted
(Feststellungspr¨¹fung/Studienkolleg: f¨¹r alle Schwerpunktkurse oder fachorientiert)
In the event that the evaluation of higher education certificates is subject-restricted:
- For applications to Bachelor degree studies consisting of two or more subjects, the subject restriction concerns the major subject only. The minor subjects, resp. the other major can be chosen without restriction.
- An application for the teacher training programme Lehramt an Gymnasien and Realschulen is not possible.
Should the evaluation of your certificates be considered a case of doubt (¡®Zweifelsfall¡¯), the Certificate Recognition Authority of the Bavarian State Office for Schools (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle des Bayerischen Landesamtes f¨¹r Schule) must be involved.
Additional links:
- (for a fee: This official organisation issues a certificate that describes the professional and academic usage of completed foreign higher education qualifications.)
- (website with information concerning the evaluation of foreign professional qualifications)
- (counselling & support for young migrants)
- (advice on integration for young people with a migration background)
Direct University Entry Qualification
If the evaluation of your certificates results in a direct university entry, you would be allowed to study an undergraduate programme at the University of Bamberg. For detailed information on the application and the required German German knowledge, please refer to the section 'German Language Proficiency Requirements'.
Pre-University Examination/Studienkolleg

If the evaluation of your certificates results in ¡®pre-university examination/Studienkolleg¡®
(Feststellungspr¨¹fung/Studienkolleg), you cannot be admitted directly to undergraduate level at the University of Bamberg.
Rather you must take the pre-university examination at the Studienkolleg (preparatory college: an institution which prepares students in language proficiency and in diverse subject areas for their studies at universities in Germany). The Studienkolleg programme offers several specialised courses. After receiving your pre-university examination certificate, you can study subjects only within the range of the specialised course which you took during the Studienkolleg (exception: Studying the teacher training programme Lehramt an Gymnasien and Realschulen is not possible as this requires direct entry for all subjects).
At the University of Bamberg, the described specialised course is required for the following Bachelor courses:
- 188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø: W-Kurs, Politikwissenschaft: W-Kurs, 188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø: G-Kurs, Wirtschaftsinformatik: W-Kurs. For all other Bachelor courses, please contact us directly.
- The University of Bamberg currently does not offer any Bachelor's programmes that are assigned to the M course (= specialised course for medical and biological study programmes). Therefore, it is not possible to apply at the University of Bamberg for Bachelor's programmes that are assigned to the M course (such as medicine, etc.).
There is no Studienkolleg at the University of Bamberg. For all universities in Bavaria, Studienkolleg Munich is the proper authority.
You cannot apply to the Studienkolleg in Munich directly. To gain entry to the Studienkolleg, you need to apply to a Bavarian university first:
- Applying for entry to the Studienkolleg in preparation for the pre-university examination: You need to pass the German entrance examination at the Studienkolleg; additionally, if you are doing a T-course, W-course or M-course you need to pass a mathematics examination. Each specialised course takes one year (two semesters) of study and ends with the pre-university examination (Feststellungspr¨¹fung).
Concerning your application, please note:
- Since the winter semester 2020/21, the external pre-university examination (externe Feststellungspr¨¹fung) is no longer offered by the Studienkolleg M¨¹nchen. Therefore, applications for the external pre-university examination are no longer possible in Bavaria.
- Please note the currently valid dates and deadlines of the Studienkolleg M¨¹nchen.
For general information on the Studienkolleg and on the pre-university examination, please go to the following websites:
No University Entry Qualification
If the requirements for the evaluation of higher education certificates are not fulfilled, you cannot gain access to higher education.
German Language Proficiency Requirements
All study programmes (Bachelor's/Teacher Training Programmes) require proof of German language knowledge. If you have no German language knowledge or only level A1 or A2, your application to study these programmes cannot be considered.
Please see the information below on the type and level of German language proficiency required in the various cases.
- Minimum required German language level at the time of applying: at least level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .
- Only the following German language certificates can be accepted for an application for the German Semester Course for Study Purposes:
- TestDaF with a minimum of level 3 (in at least two parts) resp. level U3 (in max. two of the parts)
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe I (DSD I)
- The following German language proficiency certificate from the Goethe Institute: 'Goethe-Zertifikat B1'
- certificate 'Zertifikat Deutsch / telc Deutsch B1'
- certificate '?SD Zertifikat B1'
- other German language certificates equivalent to level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
The level of the courses is B1 and higher.
Prior to the commencement of the course, you need to take a placement test. You are obliged to take and pass the placement test, and you must be present on the first day of class. Otherwise you will be excluded from taking the course.
Course schedule: German classes are taught daily during the semester (from Monday to Friday either in the mornings or the afternoons; you may not choose which time you would prefer to attend; the exact times are announced on the first day of the course); four lesson units are taught per day and a maximum of 20 course participants is allowed per course.
You must attend the semester course regularly. A minimum of 80% attendance is mandatory!
This means: You may be absent no more than 20 % of the course time! If you miss more than 20 % of class, you will not receive a certificate of attendance.
With successful and regular participation in the course, a maximum of 12 ECTS can be acquired for the Studium Generale at the University of Bamberg (if applicable).
You must enrol at the University of Bamberg to be able to participate in the German Semester Course for Study Purposes. Your admission is for the semester course only, and does not include an admission to the course of study you wish to pursue. You are given a student identity card for a maximum of 2 semesters:
- You will be enrolled for the course with the status: short-term non-degree study programme (kein Abschluss m?glich).
- You cannot enrol simultaneously for the course of study which you wish to pursue.
- For this reason, you cannot take examinations in a course of study or attend other courses.
- For the degree course which you wish to study, you must apply again separately.
- German Semester Course for Study Purposes: € 500 participation fee per semester (This includes the placement test, the course fee, DSH, and course materials)
- Semester fees (for enrolment)
- If you cease attending the course, or if you do not attend at all, the course fee will not be returned to you.
- The number of course places is limited - places are given in the order of payment receipt.
After the end of the course, participation in the DSH is possible.
You may not apply for a German Semester Course in the following cases:
- As an external participant (i.e. without doing a subsequent course of study at the University of Bamberg). Participation is only possible if you apply for a subsequent course of study at the University of Bamberg.
- If you are applying for a short-term non-degree study programme.
- If you are required to do the pre-university examination at a Studienkolleg.
The course is carried out by the University Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum). If you have questions regarding the content of the German Semester Course for Study Purposes, please contact: Ms Christine Drakew-Naperkowski.
Important: When applying for courses of study with admissions restrictions at the University of Bamberg (International Business Administration/Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Psychology/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø, Communication Science/Kommunikationswissenschaft, Psychology in Teacher Training Programmes/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø mit schulpsychologischem Schwerpunkt and Lehramt Grundschule), the required proof of German knowledge, i.e. DSH or an equivalent German language proficiency examination, must be submitted before the application deadline. At the University of Bamberg, the DSH possibly takes place after the application deadline.
- Direct university entry required (direkter Zugang). If the evaluation of your certificates is subject-restricted, you may only participate in theGerman semester course for study purposes if your field of study is taught at the University of Bamberg.
- In your ¡¯Application for Admission - Part 1¡® you must enter 'Deutsch-Semesterkurs zur Studienvorbereitung' under the intended degree programme.
- In your ¡¯Application for Admission - Part 2¡® you must apply to participate in the 'German Semester Course for Study Purposes' (OPTION 2).
When you apply for a course of study which is taught in German, you must pass one of the following German language proficiency examinations before you enrol.
Important: When applying for courses of study with admissions restrictions at the University of Bamberg (International Business Administration/Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Psychology/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø, Communication Science/Kommunikationswissenschaft, Psychology in Teacher Training Programmes/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø mit schulpsychologischem Schwerpunkt and Lehramt Grundschule), the required proof of German knowledge, i.e. DSH or an equivalent German language proficiency examination, must be submitted before the application deadline.
- Deutsche Sprachpr¨¹fung f¨¹r den Hochschulzugang ausl?ndischer Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber (DSH) with an overall score of DSH-1 for most degree programmes; the certificate must include the note of registration and the registration number of the German Rector¡¯s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz)
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II (DSD II)
- The following German language proficiency certificate from the Goethe Institute:'Goethe-Zertifikat B2'
- TestDaF with a minimum of level 3 in all four sections of the examination; all four sections of the examination must be passed in one sitting.
- certificate 'telc Deutsch B2'
- certificate '?SDZertifikat B2'
- German Studies/Germanistik (major and minor)
- Psychology/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø
- German in all teacher training programmes/Unterrichtsfach Deutsch in allen Lehramtsstudieng?ngen
- Deutsche Sprachpr¨¹fung f¨¹r den Hochschulzugang ausl?ndischer Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber (DSH) with an overall score of DSH-2 for most degree programmes; the certificate must include the note of registration and the registration number of the German Rector¡¯s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz)
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II (DSD II)
- One of the following German language proficiency certificates from the Goethe Institute:
- 'Zentrale Oberstufenpr¨¹fung' (ZOP)
- 'Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom' (KDS)
- 'Gro?es Deutsches Sprachdiplom' (GDS)
- 'Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Gro?es Deutsches Sprachdiplom'
- TestDaF with a minimum of level 4 in all four sections of the examination; all four sections of the examination must be passed in one sitting.
- certificate 'telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule'
- certificate '?SD Zertifikat C2'
Further certificates and information is available at the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the L?nder in the Federal Republic of Germany:
¡ú Befreiende Zertifikate
¡ú Zugang von ausl?ndischen Studienbewerbern mit ausl?ndischem Bildungsnachweis zum Studium an deutschen Hochschulen: Nachweis der deutschen Sprachkenntnisse
The following students are exempt from taking the DSH examination:
- Students who apply for a short-term non-degree study programme.
- Students applying for study programmes with English as the language of instruction.
- PhD students; only in cases when the entire PhD, meaning the dissertation and disputation, resp. rigorosum, are carried out in a language other than German; this requires adequate written confirmation by the PhD supervisor.
- Students whose mother tongue is German.
Please note that a degree in German Studies (or other studies in the German language) does not exempt you from fulfilling the DSH language requirement; this also applies for a completed (German Studies) degree programme.
- If you must take the DSH or an equivalent German language examination: In the ¡®Application for Admission - Part 2¡®, you must apply for direct entry to the intended study programme plus DSH (OPTION 3).
- If you do not have to take the DSH or an equivalent German language examination: Please select OPTION 4 in the ¡®Application for Admission - Part 2¡® (= direct admission without any conditions).
Important: When applying for courses of study with admissions restrictions at the University of Bamberg (International Business Administration/Internationale Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Psychology/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø, Communication Science/Kommunikationswissenschaft, Psychology in Teacher Training Programmes/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø mit schulpsychologischem Schwerpunkt and Lehramt Grundschule), the required proof of German knowledge, i.e. DSH or an equivalent German language proficiency examination, must be submitted before the application deadline. An application for admission to the DSH and the intended degree programme is therefore not available when applying for courses of study with admissions restrictions.
- Minimum required German language level at the time of applying: at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .
At the University of Bamberg, the DSH examination is offered twice each year after the end of the lecture period. The number of course places is limited - places are given in the order of payment receipt.
External participation in the DSH examination at the University of Bamberg (i.e. without doing a subsequent course of study at the University of Bamberg) is not possible.
DSH examination:
- Fees: € 50 (participation fee for the DSH); no refund in case you fail to appear, or if you quit the examination.
- The number of places in the examination is limited. Places are given in the order of payment receipt.
The DSH examination is carried out by the University Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum). You can find out more about the DSH at the Language Centre. To find out more about the contents of the DSH, please refer to: Ms Christine Drakew-Naperkowski.
- You must apply successfully for a place to study.
- Direct university entry required (direkter Zugang).
- In the ¡®Application for Admission - Part 2¡®, you must apply for direct entry to the intended study programme plus DSH (OPTION 3).
- If you do not pass the DSH, you may reapply at the University of Bamberg for the DSH only for the following semester at the earliest.
You cannot apply for the DSH if you:
- want to participate in the DSH examination at the University of Bamberg externally (i.e. without doing a subsequent course of study at the University of Bamberg).
- must pass the pre-university examination at a Studienkolleg.
- are applying for a short-term non-degree study programme for just one or two semesters.
- Minimum required German language level at the time of applying: at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (exception: at least level C1 for the subjects German Studies/Germanistik and Psychology/188betÑÇÖÞÌåÓý±¸ÓÃ_188ÌåÓýƽ̨-Ͷע*¹ÙÍø)
If you would like to study at the University of Bamberg for just one or two semesters, you can apply for a short-term non-degree study programme (Kurzzeitstudium ohne Abschlussm?glichkeit). This means:
- Maximum duration of the short-term non-degree study programme: two semesters.
- You can choose freely from a range of courses.
- You are excluded from obtaining a degree (state examinations, Bachelor¡¯s, Master¡¯s, PhD).
- Participating in the German Semester Course for Study Purposes.
- Direct university entry required (direkter Zugang).
- In your ¡¯Application for Admission - Part 1¡® you must select ¡®no degree¡¯ (kein Abschluss m?glich).
- In your ¡¯Application for Admission - Part 2¡® you must select OPTION 4 (= direct admission without any conditions).
- Minimum required German language level at the time of applying: at least level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) .
- Only the following German language certificates can be accepted for an application for the Studienkolleg in Munich via the University of Bamberg:
- Deutsche Sprachpr¨¹fung f¨¹r den Hochschulzugang ausl?ndischer Studienbewerberinnen und Studienbewerber (DSH) with an overall score of DSH-1; the certificate must include the note of registration and the registration number of the German Rector¡¯s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz)
- Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz Stufe II (DSD II)
- TestDaF with a minimum of level 3 in all four sections of the examination
- The following German language proficiency certificate from the Goethe Institute: 'Goethe-Zertifikat B2'
- certificate 'telc Deutsch B2'
- certificate '?SDZertifikat B2'
- other German language certificates equivalent to level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
- Qualification for the Studienkolleg pre-university examination is required; evaluation result: ¡®Pre-university examination/Studienkolleg¡¯ (Feststellungspr¨¹fung/Studienkolleg).
- In your ¡¯Application for Admission - Part 2¡® you must select entry to the Studienkolleg (OPTION 1).
- You may not apply for a German semester course for study purposes as this requires direct university entry.
- An application for the teacher training programme Lehramt an Gymnasien and Realschulen is not possible as this requires direct university entry for all subjects.