Language Learning in Pairs: A Supported Tandem Language Learning Course

Language learning in pairs with language coaching
- customised
- creative
- flexible
- unconventional
- ...
Exchanging language and culture
This course offers the opportunity to discuss language and culture with native speakers. It is designed to help language learning tandems to organise their language learning in pairs independently, creatively, and successfully by embedding them in an accompanied learning course format. This includes individual language learning coaching. The coaching helps you to structure your learning in a language duo efficiently and to set and achieve your individual learning goals. You receive advice on independent learning, on the preparation and follow-up of your language tandem meetings, and on the selection of materials and media.
Course outline
The course comprises various units:
- Introduction
During the introduction you will get to know your learning partner and receive more information about how the course works: organisation and documentation of the language learning meetings, materials, etc.
Participants can also exchange and compare their respective motivations for the course and corresponding expectations. - Meetings with your language learning partner
Throughout the semester, you will meet up regularly with your learning partner for language and/or cultural discussions. The meetings are scheduled and structured individually by the language learning tandems. They should last at least 90 minutes (45 minutes per language). The language learning meetings are documented in detail by the participants using a template to assemble a learning portfolio → see below “Components of assessment”). - Peer group meetings
All language learning pairs get together at peer group meetings (2–3 times/semester). These give students an opportunity to discuss how they organise their meetings as well as to talk about the materials they use (exchange of ideas, presentation and development of new materials and possible designs). - Individual language coaching sessions (two per person)
The individual language coaching sessions are designed to help you learn effectively in a tandem (focus on goals, strategies, learning status review, etc.). Participants write a summary of the first coaching session (identifying and focusing on goals) and add this to their portfolio. - Evaluation
At the end of the course, the participants evaluate the course in detail.
Components of assessment:
Proof of “passing” the course is provided by:
- participation in all the units listed above
- portfolio (detailed documentation of the language learning meetings, summary of the first language learning coaching session).
To participate in the course, the following requirements apply:
- level A2 or higher needs to have been completed in the target language
- the language tandems are each to be made up of a German native speaker and a foreign student
- the students are to each participate in the language tandem using their native language.
Application/Dates and deadlines
The exact application procedure and important dates and deadlines are published under NEWS on our homepage as follows:
- at the end of February for the summer semester
- at the end of July for the winter semester.
PLEASE NOTE: The number of participants is limited.