Vice-President for Diversity and International Affairs

The Vice-President for Diversity and International Affairs is responsible for
in the area of diversity:
- increasing the appreciation for and visibility of people’s individual and cultural diversity, as part of the university’s social and global responsibilities
- promoting a university-wide dialogue to achieve a bias-free working and study environment for everyone (including people of different genders, sexual orientations, ages, physical and mental abilities, with disabilities and chronic illnesses, from diverse cultural, geographical, and social backgrounds, religions, and ideologies)
- creating a central diversity office
- the university's diversity strategy and its implementation
in the area of international affairs:
- strategically developing the university’s international partnerships and networks
- strengthening the International Office as the central administrative agency for the university’s institutional alliances, research contacts, and study programs around the world
- the university's international strategy and its implementation
Prof. Dr. Sabine Vogt
Prof. Dr. Sabine Vogt is Vice-President for Diversity and International Affairs and Professor of Classical Studies (focussing on ancient Greek language and literature) at the University of Bamberg.
She studied Classical Languages and Literature, Classical Archaeology and German Studies at LMU Munich (First State Examination 1995) and at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. After receiving her doctorate (1999) and a postdoctoral fellowship at LMU Munich, she joined the publishing house Walter de Gruyter in Berlin in 2002, where she worked for ten years as an Editor for Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. In 2012, she was appointed professor at the University of Bamberg. There, in addition to teaching and research activities, she has been active in committee work (including women's representative, doctoral committee, senate) and in collaborative projects (i.e. "WegE – Pioneering Teacher Education" 2016–2023), most recently as spokesperson for the Center for Teacher Education (Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung ZLB, 2022–2023). Her research focuses on Greek theater, sciences and medicine in the Greco-Roman antiquity, Greek and Latin metre, classical literature on architectural atmospheres, and the reception of antiquity in the educational and social traditions of Europe and modern times.