Grants and scholarships for doctoral students

1. For a complete doctoral programme at the University of Bamberg

1.1 For doctoral students of all nationalities and all research areas

1.2 For doctoral students of certain nationalities

  • BAYHOST(for doctoral students from Central, Eastern and SoutheasternEurope)
  • DAAD (for a list of countries, see call for applications)
  • KAAD (for doctoral students from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America, who are of Catholic or Christian denomination or who are strongly committed to inter-religious dialogue)
  • Minerva Stiftung (for doctoral students from Israel)
  • SAFE- Supporting At-risk researchers with Fellowships in Europe (for doctoral students at risk)

1.3 For doctoral students of certain research areas

  • BAGSS (Starter scholarship for one year for doctoral students in the social sciences who have been accepted by the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences)
  • Gerda Henkel Stiftung (for doctoral students from the field of historical humanities)

2. For shorter research stays at the University of Bamberg

2.1 For doctoral students of all nationalities and all research areas

2.2 For doctoral students of certain nationalities

2.3 For doctoral students from certain universities

3. For short teaching stays at the University of Bamberg


If you have any questions with regard to the above mentioned programmes, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please note that there may also be organizations or institutions in your home country to which you can apply for a grant. We reccomend exploring this channel as well.