Playgrounds etc.

Scattered over Bamberg, one can find numerous playgrounds, soccer pitches and skate parks, which can usually be visited daily until sunset. You can find the respective locations on the City of Bamberg’s Spielplatzkarte. Worth mentioning is the large ?Sams-Playground“ on the ERBA island, which is equipped with large slides, various climbing frames, adjacent green spaces and a water playground which allures many children in the summer months. Furthermore, numerous beer cellars in Bamberg and the surrounding area have installed smaller or larger playgrounds for kids.

On rainy days, Bamberg’s Bambini Kinderwelt, an indoor amusement arcade, provides for distraction and entertainment. Besides many playground equipments and frames, there is also a baby corner for toddlers. Another option for days of poor weather is a visit of Hallstadt’s Ertl shopping center. For young children, there are two free carrousels, a playroom and a large indoor slide.

Water fun

If you feel like going swimming with your children, there are two options for indoor swimming pools: the large water park Bambados and Bischberg’s indoor pool. In the summer months (from May to September), Bamberg‘s public utility runs two open-air pools: Freibad Gaustadt and Stadionbad. Hallstadt’s outdoor pool is as well highly recommendable. Furthermore, Bamberg’s Flussbad im Luisenhain, known as ?Hainbad“ is a traditional, popular venue in the summer months where one can take a bath in the Regnitz. For kids, there is a paddling pool as well as a playground.

Facilities and courses

Mütterzentrum K?nguruh e.V., a multigenerational house welcomes all mothers and/or fathers with their children. There are different weekly get-togethers like “Offener Treff“, “Babytreff“ or “Kleinkindertreff“ where parents can establish new contacts while the kids can play under the supervision of skilled personnel. In addition, the center offers different courses like the “Musikgarten“ or childdance for children of different ages. You can view the whole offer on the website.

Parents with children younger than one year can register for so-called toddlers‘ groups. Many church communities as well as the child protection agency run these kinds of groups, or parents join hands and establish a toddlers‘ group on their own. Furthermore, there are different facilities in Bamberg which offer Pekip classes (“Prague Parent Child Programme“) for babies, and there is a similar offer for infants in the form of playgroups. Please find more information regarding these and many more offers for babies and infants on the Stadtjugendamt’s (youth welfare office) website.

City festivals, theater etc.

Bamberg’s Sandkerwa is the biggest and most traditional city festival. It takes place in Sandstra?e and it’s neighboring streets every year by the end of August. For children, there are carrousels and performances. Another highlight in the course of each year is Bamberg’s street and vaudeville festival “Bamberg zaubert“. Spread all over Bamberg’s historic city center, magicians and artists demonstrate their skills without admission fees.

Please find out about further current events for children in the city of Bamberg’s Kinderkulturkalender. There, stage plays for children which are performed in Theater am Michelsberg or Chapeau Claque theater are regularly announced as well.

Trips with children - Zoos, theme parks etc.

There are many different destinations in Bamberg’s surrounding region which serve for day trips with children. Tiergarten Nürnberg is the biggest zoo in the area and opens it’s doors all-season. In the spacious park, many domestic as well as exotic animals can be observed and there are several playgrounds available. For detailed information on opening hours, fees and current events please have look at the zoo’s website.

In addition, there are serveral wildlife parks not too far from Bamberg, where domestic animals can be gazed at. These parks include Wildpark Hundshaupten close to Forchheim, Wildpark Schloss Tambach near Coburg and Wildpark An Den Eichen close to Schweinfurt. These parks open all-season.

Between about March and September/October you can spend a pleasant day with your children in one of the theme parks in Bamberg’s surrounding area. Schloss Thurn close to Forchheim and Freizeit-Land Geiselwind between Bamberg and Würzburg are equipped with many different fun rides, caroussels and playgrounds and even have small animal compounds. In the theme park Freizeitpark Monsterbagger in Rattelsdorf, old and young visitors may prove their driving skills at excavators, wheel loaders and other construction machines.