Welcome Center Christmas Event 2019


Dear international researchers, 

you and your partners and families are all cordially invited to our Welcome Center Christmas event .


Christmas Buffet

Date: Wednesday, 4 December

Time: 5.00 pm – 7.00 pm

Place: Foyer of the Welcome Center, Kapuzinerstra?e 25, 2nd floor


Visit to the Christmas Market

Date: Wednesday, 4 December

Time: from 7.30 pm

Place: Bamberg Christmas Market, Maximiliansplatz


We will start with a rich buffet in the foyer of the Welcome Center. You are invited to have some snacks (vegetarian and non-vegetarian) and non-alcoholic drinks provided by a professional caterer and sponsored by DAAD. For our young guests, we will organize a kids’ corner with toys. After the buffet, we will set off to Bamberg’s Christmas market together, which is just a five-minute walk away from the Welcome Center. We will continue celebrating there. If you can’t make it to the buffet, you can also join us for the Christmas market only. Any food and drinks consumed at the Christmas market will be at your own expense.


If you would like to participate in the buffet, please register by email to assistenz.welcome.international(at)uni-bamberg.deby Thursday, 28 November and please let us know how many people you will bring. If you are only joining us for the Christmas market, you need not register. We will meet at 7.30 pm in front of the drugstore Müller at Maximiliansplatz.


With kind regards,

Your Welcome Center Team


The Welcome Center Group on Facebook:
