Stefanie Badmann, B. Sc.

Stefanie Badmann has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Information Systems, in particular Platform Economics, since October 2024. She previously supported the chair team as a student assistant from November 2023. She is currently in the final stages of her degree in Business Education with a focus on Information Systems (M. Sc.). Previously, she successfully completed the Information Systems (B. Sc.) program, also at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg.
Before and during her studies, she completed internships at Kaspersky Labs in Ingolstadt, the BXR Group in Gaimersheim and the Staatliche Berufsschule III Business School in Bamberg, among others.
In the context of university teaching, she is currently supporting the Master's module “Digital Platforms in Industries and Society”. She also supervises students' seminar papers and theses.
In 2023, she received the OttoCare! award.
Contact: stefanie.badmann(at)
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