Prof. Dr. Thomas Kude
Office hours
Wednesdays 13:00 - 14:30 (by registration via email)
Short bio

Thomas Kude is a professor of information systems and platform economy at the University of Bamberg. Previously, he was an associate professor (2018-2022) and an assistant professor (2016-2018) at ESSEC Business School in France. He received his Ph.D. and habiltation from the University of Mannheim.
In his research, he is interested in the development and application of information systems at various levels of analysis. His recent research has primarily focused on digital innovation produced by collectives of organizations and individuals. For example, he has studied the governance and evolution of digital platforms and ecosystems in different domains, including enterprise software and mobile apps. He has also studied collaboration in teams, in particular software development teams.
His work has been published in various outlets including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Information Systems Journal. In 2018, he received the AIS Early Career Award from the Association of Information Systems. In 2019, he received the Best Paper Award from the journal Information Systems Research.
He serves as an associated editor for MIS Quarterly and Business & Information Systems Engineering and is on the editorial review board of the Journal of the Assocation for Information Systems.
Thomas Kude on Google Scholar and LinkedIn.
Kude, T.; & Huber, T. L. (2024) "Responding to platform owner moves: A 14‐year qualitative study of four enterprise software complementors," Information Systems Journal, isj.12527
- Kude, T.; Foerderer, J.; Mithas, S.; Heinzl, A. (2023) "How Deadline Orientation and Architectural Modularity Influence Software Quality and Job Satisfaction," Journal of Operations Management (69:6), 941-964.
- Hoehle, H.; Venkatesh V.; Brown, S.; Tepper, B.; Kude, T. "Effects of Customer Compensation on Justice Perceptions: A Longitudinal Study of Target’s Data Breach," MIS Quarterly, (46: 1) pp.299-340.
- Kude, T.; Mithas, S.; Schmidt, C. T.; Heinzl, A. (2019) "How Pair Programming Influences Team Performance: The Role of Backup Behavior, Shared Mental Models, and Task Novelty," Information Systems Research, 30 (4), 1145-1163.
- Kude, T.; Huber, T.; Dibbern, J. (2019) "Successfully Governing Software Ecosystems: Competence Profiles of Partnership Managers," IEEE Software, 36 (3), 39-44.
- Foerderer, J.; Kude, T.; Schütz, S.; Heinzl, A. (2019) "Knowledge Boundaries in Enterprise Software Platform Development: Antecedents and Consequences for Platform Governance," Information Systems Journal, 29 (1), 119-144.
- Mithas, S.; Kude, T.; Whitaker, J. (2018) "Artificial Intelligence and IT Professionals," IEEE IT Professional, 20 (5), 6-13.
- Foerderer, J.; Kude, T.; Mithas, S.; Heinzl, A. (2018) "Does Platform Owner’s Entry Crowd out Innovation? Evidence from Google Photos," Information Systems Research, 29 (2), 444-460.
- Kude, T.; Lazic, M.; Heinzl, A.; Neff, A. (2018) "Achieving IT-Based Synergies Through Regulation-Oriented and Consensus-Oriented IT Governance Capabilities," Information Systems Journal, 28 (5), 765-795.
- Mithas, S.; Kude, T. (2017) "Digitization and Disciplined Autonomy," IEEE IT Professional, 19 (5), 4-7.
- Huber, T.; Kude, T.; Dibbern, J. (2017) "Governance Practices in Platform Ecosystems: Navigating Tensions Between Co-Created Value and Governance Costs," Information Systems Research, 28 (3), 563-584.
- Hoehle, H.; Kude, T.; Huff, S.; Popp, K (2017) "Service-Channel Fit Conceptualization and Instrument Development: A Mixed Methods Study in the Context of Electronic Banking," Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59 (2), 97-110.
- Kude, T.; Hoehle, H.; Sykes, T. (2017) "Big Data Breaches and Customer Compensation Strategies: Personality Traits and Social Influence as Antecedents of Perceived Compensation," International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37 (1), 56-74.
- Dibbern J.; Chin, W.; Kude, T. (2016) "The Sourcing of Software Services: Knowledge Specificity and the Role of Trust," The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 47 (2), 36-57.
- Stuckenberg, S.; Kude, T.; Heinzl, A. (2014) "Understanding the Role of Organizational Integration in Developing and Operating Software-as-a-Service," Journal of Business Economics, 84 (8), 1019-1050.
- Kude, T.; Dibbern, J.; Heinzl, A. (2012) "Why Do Complementors Participate? An Analysis of Partnership Networks in the Enterprise Software Industry," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59 (2), 250-265.