ESF Research Project "Alumnae Tracking"

Objectives and Project description
Funding period: 01.10.2012 - 31.03.2015
"Alumnae Tracking" considers life and career paths of women of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg. We compare the lives of female students and graduates with biographies of male fellow students / graduates, who share similar demographic characteristics and study courses.
In addition to objective criteria such as personal responsibility and income, also subjective criteria like life satisfaction and work-life balance are charged.
The aim of the project is to obtain information for which reasons the career paths of men and women in the field of computer science run differently.
In order to capture the extent to what the professional and personal goals are achieved (from study until work), the survey of students and alumni is carried out at three points of time.
In this way, changes in the study success, in the professional position and in the life planning are detected. Influencing facors are explored and as a result, study conditions ,-inputs and -contents can be adapted afterwards if necessary.
In addition, about 50 companies of different size of enterprise are included in the study and asked for their corporate culture as well as the career and work-life balance measures. This enables differentiated statements about the working conditions in the area of ??Computer Science and allows us to make comparisons in order to investigate to what extent the support measures offered by the parties at the workplace comply with the wishes of the young professionals.
In this way the surveyed companies obtain a benchmark in terms of their attractiveness as an employer as well as valuable suggestions for the management of recruiting and career development strategies. At the same time, the survey also sheds light on which demands are made by the companies to their young professionals, e.g. in regard to temporal and spatial flexibility as well as local availability.
The project aims to contribute to the need for new specialists in the STEM professions and thus shall counter the lack of skills.