Publications & Talks

The topic of women in computer science, as well as more general aspects of attracting young talent, is reflected in talks given by the Faculty Equal Opportunity Officer and her staff, whether in the presentation of the various workshop programmes or in the scientific review.

In the following lists you will find all presentations, publications and conference participations of the WIAI Equal Opportunity Officer.

Network Gender & STEM Conference 2024Schmid U. / Knoblach J. / Paukner F.
  • Participation: July 19-20, Heidelberg, Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
Perceived and existing incompatibilities of family work and career plans in STEM -- The importance of role modelsSchmid U.Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
EUGAIN Final Conference Opening the doors to the worldKnoblach J.
  • Participation: April 22, 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI

Netzwerktreffen: Bündnis für Frauen in MINT-Berufen

Henn Th. / Paukner F.
  • Participation: Paneldiskussion und Workshop, March 5 2024, Würzburg, Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI

MINTvernetzt Jahrestagung 2024

Henn Th. / Paukner F.
  • Participation: March 5 2024, Würzburg, Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI


Against the norm - try out computer science, discover inclinations.Schmid U. / Paukner F.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, January 19, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence -- and how it is that AI systems can have a gender biasSchmid U.
  • Talk: Frauennetzwerk der Sozialdemokratischen Gemeinsschaft für Kommunalpoitik Hessen e.V., December 14
WIAI Women's Representative

Removing Barriers and Strengthening Self-Assurance of Women in Computer Science: From Discovery of Own Talent to Professional Confidence

 to the registration

Schmid U.WIAI Women's Representative
The Bamberg CS30 Strategy - Encouraging female students since 2005Nicklas D.WIAI Women's Representative
Workshops "Workforce for the Digital Transformation"  and "Attracting & Retaining Female Students from Bachelor and Master to PhD"Nicklas D.WIAI Women's Representative
European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (EUGAIN) Working Group Meeting 2022Paukner F.
  • Participation: June 13-14 2022, Oulu, Finland
WIAI Women's Representative

M?dchen für KI begeistern: Ausprobieren f?rdert Zutrauen in eigene F?higkeiten

Schmid U.WIAI Women's Representative
Against the norm - try out computer science, discover inclinations.Schmid U. / Paukner F.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, January 19, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative



Empirically guided gender equality measures for recruitment and retain-
ment of students

Schmid U.Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
Seminar on "Genderaspekte in der Informatik" at G?ttingen UniversitySchmid U. / Deininger H. / Ackermann L.
  • Seminar: December 7-8 2019 & January 17-19 2020, G?ttingen, Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
Trust yourself: You have the IT-Factor! Career coaching for female computer scientists.F?rtsch, S./ G?rtig-Daugs, A.
  • Journal Article: International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, Vol 11, No 3, S. 490-527
Convention "KI & Wir*" Künstliche Intelligenz und GenderDeininger, H./ Finzel, B.
  • Talk: AI in Medicine (Methods for Fairness and Transparency) and Status Report on Women's Advancement Measures at WIAI, November 22-24, Magdeburg, Germany

Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
Women in Informatics Research & Education (WIRE) Workshop 2019Oehlhorn C. / Folter L.
  • Participation: October 28-30 2019, Rome, Italy
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI / Career & International Center WIAI
Ceremony of the "Gender in CS, It-vest Denmark" programme of the Southern Danish universitiesSchmid, U./ F?rtsch, S.
  • Talk: August 19 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
    • Ute Schmid: Keynote: The Bamberg CS30 Strategy Encouraging female students since 2005
    • Silvia F?rtsch: Coaching for Female Computer Science Students -- Measures and Effects
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
The Bamberg CS30 Strategy - Encouraging female students since 2005Nicklas, D. / Schmid, U.
  • Talk: epilog - TU Vienna Lecture Series, June 25 2019, Vienna, Austria
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
Against the norm - try out computer science, discover inclinationsSchmid U. / Ackermann L.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, January 14, Bamberg, Germany
Equal Opportunity Officer WIAI
"Make IT: MINT mit MuT" Interview with Prof. SchmidSchmid U.Make IT


Trust yourself: You have the IT-Factor!” Career coaching for female computer scientists.F?rtsch, S.
  • Talk: 4th Annual Gender & STEM Network Conference, Eugene, July 31–August 2 2018, Oregon, USA
CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT
Coaching and Networking! A door opener for the career development of female computer scientists.F?rtsch, S.
  • Talk: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2018, June 28–29 2018, Hull, GB.
Yes you can, follow your goals! Individual Coaching for female Computer scientists on career development.F?rtsch, S.
  • Talk: 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’18), June 20-22 2018, Valencia, Spain.

From Beliefs to Intention: Mentoring as an Approach to Motivate Female High School Students to Enrol in Computer Science Studies.

Video of the Talk at the Conference Gender & IT

Finzel, B. / Deininger, H. / Schmid, U.
  • Conference Proceedings: GenderIT '18 Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Gender & I, 2018, S. 251-260.
  • Talk: GEWINN-Conference Gender & IT 2018, May 14-15 2018, Heilbronn, Germany.
Make IT / Career Coaching in MINT
Find the right role: specialist vs. management career - individual career coaching for IT specialistsF?rtsch, S.
  • Conference Proceedings: Gender & IT, May 14–15 2018, Heilbronn, Germany.
CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT
Yes you can, just believe in yourself! Individual coaching and networking in study and profession of computer science.F?rtsch, S.
  • Talk: 17th Annual STS Conference Graz 2018 Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies. May 7-8 2018, Graz, Austria.
CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT
Keep it going, Girl! An Empirical Analysis of Gendered Career Chances and Career Aspirations Among German Graduates in Computer Sciences.F?rtsch, S. / G?rtig-Daugs, A. / Buchholz S. / Schmid, U.
  • Journal Article: International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology1
  • Talk: 6th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF). Professional Practice as a Challenge for Educational Research, February 15-17 2018, Basel, Swizerland.
CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT / Alumnae Tracking
Women in computer science: Are they more capable than they think? An analysis of gender-specific expectations of success among computer science studentsF?rtsch, S. / Schmid U.
  • Journal Article: GENDER -Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 1,  2018, S. 130–150.

CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT / Alumnae Tracking


1 F?rtsch, S. M., G?rtig-Daugs, A., Buchholz, S., & Schmid, U. (2018). “Keep It Going, Girl!” An Empirical Analysis of Gender Differences and Inequalities in Computer Sciences. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 10(2), 265-286. 


Women in Computer Sciences: The Current State and Measures for Promotion of Gender Equality in Germany

Poster for the STEM Gender Equality Congress(1.8 MB, 1 page)

Schmid U. / Bamberg-Reinwand J.
  • Poster: A poster with the Bamberg activities and projects as well as information on the GI "Women in Computer Science Group" was presented at the STEM Gender Equality Congress on the conference website (archive link), June 8-9 2017, Berlin, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative / University Women's Representative
Karrierecoaching in MINT - Potenziale entfalten und nutzen. Individuelle Ptentialanalysen und entwicklung von Krrierepl?nen für Informatikerinnen(1.2 MB, 100 pages)F?rtsch S.
  • Report
Career Coaching in MINT


Women in Computer Science

Slides to the lecture(3.4 MB, 48 pages)

Schmid U.
  • Talk: Ceremony of the University Women's Representative, lecture series Gender Inderdisziplin?r, December 7, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative
Should I dare or not? Career aspirations of women in computer science and best practice examples to support female careers. 3rd Gender & STEM Network Conference. Promoting girls' and women's participation in STEM advancement and innovation: Connecting research with global policy and practice.F?rtsch S. / G?rtig-Daugs A.
  • Talk: Newcastle University Business School, Science Central, July 21-23 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Career Coaching in MINT / Alumnae Tracking
Interview with Ute Schmid on Deutschlandradio on the topic of "Women in Computer Science - Results from the ESF Project Alumnae Tracking" 
  • Radio Interview: Broadcast date for International Women's Day, March 8 2016
Alumnae Tracking


The Influence of the academic self-concept on the program choice of computer scientistsF?rtsch, S. / Schmid U.
  • Talk: Perspectives on Gender in a global world - Interdisciplinary Approaches, May 14-16 2015, Bucharest, Romania
CoachNet / Career Coaching in MINT / Alumnae Tracking
The influence of self-efficacy beliefs and self-assessment of professional skills on scientific career aspirations of computer scientistsF?rtsch S. / G?rtig-Daugs A.Career Coaching in MINT / Alumnae Tracking
Neigung entdecken, Informatik studieren, als Informatikerin arbeiten - Vernetzung von Ma?nahmen und Begleitforschung an einem Standort.
Frauen machen Informatik.
(5.7 MB, 5 pages)

Schmid U. / G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S.

  • Journal Article: Magazin der GI-Fachgruppe Frauen in der Informatik, Nr. 39, September 2015
Alumnae Tracking
Karriereverl?ufe von Informatikerinnen und Informatikern nach der Familiengründungsphase. Ergebnisse des Projekts "Alumnae Tracking" zu hinderlichen und f?rderlichen Bedingungen beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg aus Sicht der Befragten und unternehmerischer Perspektive.(793.8 KB, 46 pages)G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S.
  • Talk: State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg. April 28 2015, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Geschlechtsspezifische Disparit?ten und Determinanten der Karriereentwicklung bei Informatikern und Informatikerinnen(934.3 KB, 39 pages)G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S.
  • Talk: Research seminar on work and organisational psychology. January 21 2015, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Introvertierte Studenten, flei?ige Studentinnen? – Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Motivation, Zufriedenheit und Wahrnehmungsmustern bei Informatikstudierenden.Schmid U. / G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S.
  • Journal Article: Informatik Spektrum, 38 (5), 2015, S. 379 - 395
Alumnae Tracking
Unternehmenskulturen im Wandel - Karriereentwicklung im Informatikbereich.(950.8 KB)F?rtsch S. / G?rtig-Daugs A. / Schmid U.
  • Report: Results of the research project "Alumnae Tracking", Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking


From preschool to university -- creating opportunities for girls to discover their inclination and aptitude for computer science.Schmid U.
  • Workshop: Experience workshop, nationwide computer science competitions, October 9 2014, Bonn, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative
?Alumnae Tracking“ Frauenkarrieren in der Informatik.(2.9 MB, 8 pages)G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S. / Schmid U.
  • Journal Article: FifF-Kommunikation, Nr.3, 2014
Alumnae Tracking
Research Colloquium Alumnae Tracking: Application of Structural Equation Models in Gender ResearchFinzel B.
  • Talk: July 11, 2014, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking

Gender-specific aspirations and determinants of career development in computer science(594.5 KB, 25 pages)

G?rtig-Daugs A. / F?rtsch S. / Schmid U.
  • Talk: Gender & STEM Conference 2014, July 3-5 2014, TU Berlin, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Research Colloquium Alumnae Tracking: Gender-specific aspirations and determinants of career development in computer science(13.3 KB, 1 page)G?rtig-Daugs A.
  • Talk: July 2 2014, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Research Colloquium Alumnae Tracking: Geschlechterdisparit?ten in Selbstkonzepten am Beispiel von Informatikern und Informatikerinnen(265.0 KB, 1 page)F?rtsch S.
  • Talk: June 4 2014, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Research Colloquium Alumnae Tracking: Family and Work: Company Measures to Reconcile Gainful Employment and CaregivingPfeiffer V.
  • Talk: May 22 2014, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Gender-specific aspirations and determinants of career development in computer science. Empirical results from the "Alumnae Tracking" project.F?rtsch S.
  • Thesis: Master's thesis in the course of study Empirical Educational Research at the Faculties of Human Sciences and Education, and Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg.
Alumnae Tracking


"Mehr M?dchen in die Informatik - und dann?"(13.0 MB, 29 pages) Measures to attract female students and observations on women in 
studies and in the profession
Schmid U.
  • Talk: Soroptimisten Bamberg-Kundigunde, November 25, Bamberg, Germany
Alumnae Tracking

Berufliche Werdeg?nge von Informatikerinnen - Erwartungen und Erfahrungen

Poster(565.5 KB, 1 page)

Flyer(377.6 KB, 2 pages)

Schmid U.
  • Talk: Liesel Beckmann Symposium der TU München, November 22, Munich, Germany
Alumnea Tracking
Geschlechterstereotype: Theoretische Aspekte(1.3 MB)F?rtsch S.
  • Workshop: Liesel Beckmann Sysmposium der TU München, November 22, Munich, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Geschlechterdisparit?ten in der Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung am Beispiel von Informatiker und Informatikerinnen(810.0 KB)F?rtsch S.
  • Workshop: Liesel Beckmann Symposium der TU München, November 22, Munich, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Image der Informatik und der Informatikstudierenden: Fremd- und Selbstwahrnehmung(626.5 KB)G?rtig-Daugs A.
  • Talk: Liesel Beckmann Symposium der TU München, November 22, Munich, Germany
Alumnae Tracking
Poster for the symposium Landshut goes Gender(668.4 KB, 1 page) 
  • Poster
Alumnae Tracking
Why study computer science? Why become a computer scientist?Schmid U.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, October 2, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative



Why study computer science? Why become a computer scientist?Schmid U.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, October 11, Bamberg, Germany
Frauenbeauftragte WIAI



Why study computer science? Why become a computer scientist?Schmid U.
  • Talk: Eichendorff-Gymnasium Bamberg, October 10, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative
Job description computer scientistSchmid U.
  • Talk: Maria-Ward-Gymnasium Bamberg, September 23, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative
Computer literacy for preschools and primary schoolsSchmid U.
  • Talk: Rotary-Club Bamberg, July 14, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative
Informatik ErlebenGrabisch S.
  • Talk: Third Cultural Education Day at the Bamberg Concert and Congress Hall, March 14, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative

WIAI Mentoring Programme

Poster(2.8 MB)

  • Poster Presentation: Market of Opportunities at the First STEM Mentoring Congress on the Topic "Using Experiences - Shaping the Future" at the Ruhr University Bochum, February 14-15, Bochum, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative



Computer science and its relations to pedagogySchmid U.
  • Talk: Event series of prop?d e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Professionalism of Educators) at the Markushaus of the University of Bamberg, October 27, Bamberg, Germany
WIAI Women's Representative