Structure of the student representation

From June 20 (6 p.m.) through June 27 (6 p.m.), this year's university elections will be held to determine the composition of our university's student government. Voter turnout was recently around 10 percent.

But only a high voter turnout legitimizes your fellow students, who work voluntarily in meetings, events and other projects for the quality of your studies. One of the successes of the student council is ...

  • that hot lunches are available at ERBA,
  • that a bus shuttles between Feki and ERBA,
  • that the introductory days for first semester students, the summer parties of the student councils and other events take place
  • and much more.

But who actually gets elected? With the following information, you should be ready to fill out the three quite formidable ballots.

The student senate representation

The two senators represent you in the Senate and the University Council. These are the highest decision-making bodies at Bamberg University. For example, they elect the president, decide on changes to the university's basic regulations, decide on the establishment or cancellation of study programs, and confirm (or reject) important decisions from the faculty councils. As a result, senators also have a close relationship with the university administration.

Here you have a total of two votes. Members of various university-related groups stand for election. Panache (i.e. distributing your votes among several lists) is allowed.

The student council (Fachschaft)

That's us. You have probably attended one of our numerous events including the first-semester introductory days, the Christmas and the summer party. Seven of us are elected members with seats in several university bodies. We discuss current faculty matters in weekly sessions. Our two speakers have a seat in the faculty council, an institution concerned with our examination regulations and module handbooks. Four more members represent you in the student parliament.

Once again you have two votes, both of them can be given to one person.

The student parliament

The student senators, four members of each student council (Fachschaft) as well as 17 members of political university-associated groups assemble in this body - including the green-leftist "Bamberger Grün-Linke Studierendeninitiative" (BAGLS), the independent "Unabh?ngige Studierendeninitiative" (USI), the social-democratic "Juso-Hochschulgruppe Bamberg" (Jusos), the leftist "Die Linke" (SDS), the conservative group "Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten" (RCDS) and the liberal group "Liberale Hochschulgruppe" (LHG). A total of 35 members discuss current university matters and publish statements.

For the student parliament members you vote directly, you have seventeen votes. A maximum of three votes can be given to one person.