Subject Combinations
In Bamberg, (applied) computer science can be studied together with other subjects such as psychology or sociology. There is a separate computer science master's degree for graduates of the humanities.
Combined Expertise
Among the more than 30 professors - almost twice as many as in 2020 - are sought-after experts on artificial intelligence, technostress, privacy and many other topics. Two of the top ten global business information scientists come from Bamberg.
Study Conditions
The study conditions in Bamberg's World Heritage are regularly rated very good, and the diverse city is an argument in its own right. Here you can feel the charm of a smaller university: all university members are open to students' personal concerns. The Career and International Center, personal counceling and further support desks assist you in your university life.
Ahead of the Curve
Bamberg's scientists have been working on future topics such as artificial intelligence for two decades. Experts in human-computer interaction, privacy and trustworthy software contribute to the holistic picture. With their own AI software, they were able to win the world championship in Angry Birds, among other accomplishments.
Pioneers in Equality
The University of Bamberg is at the forefront of the long road to equality: The proportion of women among IT students (about 30 %) is top in Bavaria. In 2018, the faculty won the "Minerva Informatics Equality Award" for its promotion of women. Numerous junior programmes attract girls to a career in computer science at an early stage.
Modern Site in a
Pleasing Environment
The faculty's modern main building is in a quiet location right next to ERBA Park. It houses a coworking space and a library that is open 24/7. A makerspace and a robotics lab are also planned. Outside the campus, there are plenty of opportunities to exercise, relax, and party – including about 60 breweries.
Interconnected in Science
und Civil Society
Bamberg's scientists are in demand in their disciplines. They are, for example, on the board of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (German Informatics Society), chair of the Fakult?tentag Informatik or a member of the board of directors of the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation and a member of the Bavarian AI Council.
and Hands-on Experience
The University of Bamberg maintains exchange places at over 350 partner universities in more than 60 countries - in Europe and overseas. 30 percent of all students take advantage of this option. The annual career day, guest lectures and workshops ensure networking with regional, national and global companies.
Assured Quality
The study programmes are regularly checked for quality and officially accredited. Important aspects are continuously monitored and evaluated throughout the studies. The voice of the students is gladly heard and taken into account in this context. An open culture of criticism and further development of existing structures is cultivated in Bamberg.