Here you will find the right degree pro??gramme for you at the Faculty of Infor??mation Systems and Applied Com?puter Sciences at the University of Bamberg.
Bachelor Degree Programmes

Focus on Technology
Master Degree Programmes

Specialties in Bamberg

AI Bachelor at the Bamberg Center of AI
From the winter semester 2024/25, the University of Bamberg's concentrated AI expertise will be available in a separate Bachelor's degree programme.

Design, Technology and Empirical Studies Combined
In einzigartiger Weise verknüpft der Masterstudiengang Interaction Research & Design die Bereiche Informatik, Design und Empirie.

Computer Science Master after a Humanities Bachelor
Der Masterstudiengang Computing in the Humanities richtet sich explizit an geistes-, kultur- oder humanwissenschaftlichen Studierende.

Further Training at Work
Der Virtuelle Weiterbildungsstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (VAWi) kann berufsbegleitend studiert werden.
A Great Choice

Excellent Grades at the CHE Ranking
Bamberg's Information Systems and Applied Computer Science programmes consistently score outstanding marks in the student survey of the CHE University Ranking.

Nine Good Reasons
There are numerous good reasons to dedicate yourself to one of the most exciting subject areas of our time when studying IT in Bamberg. We have summarised the nine most important ones for you.