Minor in Applied Computer Science
As an interdisciplinary field, Digital Humanities are characterized by the fact that in research and in everyday professional life one works on issues that require knowledge of the humanities and knowledge of applied computer science. When larger and more complex tasks are involved, they are often worked on in teams. A wide range of qualifications from an in-depth education in the humanities to practical computer science are required. Experience shows that in such teams, people who can work in both areas in a well-founded way play an important role. Of course, this also applies to smaller projects, where often one person has to combine all necessary qualifications.
The bachelor's degree in humanities and cultural studies is usually designed as a multidisciplinary course. The total amount of 180 ECTS credits of the Bachelor's programme consists of a major subject with 75 or more ECTS credits, another major subject or minor subjects of 30 or 45 ECTS credits as well as a Studium Generale of 18 ECTS credits and the Bachelor's thesis of 12 ECTS credits.
The minor subjects in Applied Computer Science amounting to 30 and 45 ECTS credits allow to set priorities in
- Cultural informatics,
- Media informatics,
- Smart Environments
- Cognitive systems and
- Human-computer interaction
It is part of the Bamberg concept to allow a coordination of the content with the other subjects studied by offering modules in Applied Computer Science. For example, a module such as "Digital Libraries" can be chosen for a major in linguistics, while the module "Geoinformation Systems" can be chosen in combination with studies in geography.
uni.vers Digital Humanities

Bamberg's Applied Computer Science is something special: Informatics methods for the solution of questions or problems in the humanities, cultural studies, humanities or social sciences are now used as a matter of course in all faculties. Synergies with many of the University of Bamberg's research foci are reflected in numerous joint research projects and an integrative range of courses is offered in this area.
One issue of the uni.vers magazine is dedicated to the research foci of the faculty WIAI and presents the different possibilities to study Applied Computer Science in Bamberg, be it as a minor subject, as an independent bachelor's program or as a master's program.
Overview article about the study possibilities.
Complete edition of uni.vers Digital Humanities.