Applied Computer Science in Bachelor and Master Programs
Bachelors minor subject with 30 and 45 ECTS points

The regulations for the Bachelor's subsidiary subject with 30 and 45 ECTS points can be found in the study and subject examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree course in Applied Computer Science at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. The modules to be taken are regulated there, especially in "Appendix 3: Minor subject Applied Computer Science within the framework of Bachelor's programs according to the General Examination Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's programs of the Faculties of Humanities and Cultural Studies and Human Sciences (APO GuK/Huwi)".
For the minor subject with 30 ECTS credits only the attendance of the module "Computer Science and Programming for Cultural Studies" (KInf-IPKult-E) to the extent of 9 ECTS credits is mandatory. One should therefore start with this module in any case. Afterwards you can choose from a variety of other modules, whereby you can also choose a study focus such as media informatics, geoinformation systems or specializations in practical computer science. The individual modules partly build on each other. For this purpose, the information given for the individual modules in the module handbook under "Recommended previous knowledge", we recommend to observe.
Variants with other scopes in Bachelor's programs:
Should a Bachelor's programme include a minor subject, a module group or a module in the field of applied computer science (also cultural computer science or media computer science etc.) with a different scope, the stipulations for minor subjects with 30 and 45 ECTS points (for references see above) apply accordingly. The modules must be taken according to the priorities listed below until the intended ECTS points are reached:
Priorit?t | Modul |
1 | Module KInf-IPKult-E: Computer Science and Programming for Cultural Studies |
2 | Elective modules from the catalogue ?Elective subject: 21 ECTS credits from the following offer“ of the "minor subject with 30 ECTS credits" (see above). If applicable, the specifications for the specific minor subject in the respective degree programme must be observed. If, for example, the minor subject is "Media Informatics", the modules of Media Informatics can be selected from the catalogue first. |
3 | If necessary, other courses in applied computer science, computer science or business informatics can also be chosen after consultation with a specialist representative of applied computer science |
In addition, there are the following possibilities for minor subjects with a total of 15 ECTS credits to take a minor in Applied Computer Science:
Nebenfach | Module |
Applied Computer Science / Media Informatics | KInf-IPKult-E: Computer science and programming for cultural studies + MI-EMI-B: Introduction to Media Informatics |
Applied Computer Science / Cultural Informatics | KInf-IPKult-E: Computer science and programming for cultural studies + KInf-GeoInf-B: Geoinformation systems |
Applied Computer Science / Cognitive Systems | KInf-IPKult-E: Computer science and programming for cultural studies + KogSys-KogInf-Psy: Fundamentals of Cognitive Informatics + KogSys-Sem-B: Bachelor Seminar |
Applied Computer Science / Human-computer interaction | KInf-IPKult-E: Computer science and programming for cultural studies + HCI-IS-B: Interactive Systems |
Applied computer science in the extension area or as a minor subject in Master's programs
The regulations for Bachelor's programmes apply analogously to Master's programmes with regard to the modules to be completed. Modules and courses that were already part of the qualifying course of studies may not be taken again. As a substitute, further modules are to be taken in accordance with the order of priority according to the above table. In case of doubt, please contact the departmental student advisory service for Applied Computer Science or the corresponding departmental representative.
The description can be found under Orders and Documents also as pdf-file for download.