General information on the final exam of the module “Work and Organizational Psychology” (Bachelor)
The compulsory module Work and Organizational Psychology is completed by passing a written examination. The written exam is offered after each semester. It lasts 90 minutes and refers to the contents of the lecture Work Psychology (WS) and Organizational Psychology (SS). The exam consists of questions in single-choice format and open questions. Sample questions will be discussed in the exam tutorial, which is offered as part of the lecture.
Exam registration
Registration for the final exam of the module is done via the FlexNow platform following the deadlines for the centrally organized exams.
Exam location and date
The central examination office will announce the exact date and the place of the exam in due time.
General information on the final exam of the module “Personnel and Organizational Psychology Module B” (Master)
The compulsory module Personnel and Organizational Psychology Module B is completed by passing a written examination. The written exam is offered after each semester. It is 60 minutes long and covers the contents of the lecture and the seminar. The written exam consists of questions in single-choice format and open questions.
Exam registration
Registration for the final exam of the module is done via the FlexNow platform following the deadlines for the centrally organized exams.
Exam location and date
The central examination office will announce the exact date and place of the exam in due time.