Governing Board
The Governing Board is composed of the heads of the individual areas with their respective deputies as well as the Spokesperson of the Governing Board with their deputies.
The Governing Board draws up proposals for committees as well as proposals for amendments to the statutes and articles of association that regulate the teacher training programme as well as the Bachelor’s and Master’s of Education degree programmes and decides on recommendations from the Academic Advisory Board. The Governing Board adopts the respective business plan for the following year and acknowledges the business report for the current year.
The Spokesperson of the Governing Board represents the interests of teacher training within and outside the University of Bamberg in consultation with the Governing Board and the University Executive Board and on the basis of the recommendations of the Academic Advisory Board. The Spokesperson is the contact person for the University Executive Board and for other centres for teacher training. The operational work of the Governing Board is supported by a academic coordination office with managerial responsibilities.
Term of office: 01.10.2024-30.09.2026

Prof. Dr. Konstantin Lindner
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Jennifer Paetsch
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lorenzen
0951/863-3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Julia Schlüter
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Barbara Drechsel
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Dr. Alexander Wiernik
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Miriam Hess
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Annette Scheunpflug
0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)