Research and early-career scholars
Area Heads

0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)

0951 / 863 - 3921 (Sekr.)
Our responsibilities ...
- Promotion, development and participation in research projects in and for teacher training (e.g. current ZLB projects WegE, KulturLeBi and BaTEG)
- Presentation of results of research projects in and for teacher training
- Organisation of research colloquia, conferences and congresses
- Promotion of interdisciplinarity and internationalisation of research
- Support on the way to a doctorate following a teacher training programme, e.g. via master’s programmes
- Supervision and support of doctoral students and candidates in their research in and on teacher training
- Advice regarding academic work, knowledge transfer and all forms of academic writing in cooperation with the TRAc
- Organisation of interdisciplinary qualification measures (e.g. methodology workshops, summer schools, job application training) in cooperation with the TRAc
- Promotion of interdisciplinary, national and international cooperations designed to support early-career scholars (most importantly, research visits focusing on specific topics), facilitated by the doctoral database and the doctoral forum
- Promotion of cooperations with existing doctoral programmes and the establishment of Master of Education programmes, Bamberg Graduate Schools, doctoral programmes and DFG Research Training Groups