Courses Offered in English - Winter Semester 2023/24

Social Sciences, Economics & Business Administration

Some courses taught in English are on the graduate level. However, international undergraduate students can be admitted to these classes if they fulfill the necessary prerequisites in the relevant field.
Undergraduate students are thus advised to contact the Instructors beforehand to discuss whether they can participate. Contact details can be found via

Implementation and Diffusion of Innovations
Graduate lecture, multimedia-based learning simulation, multimedia-based case studies, learning 
videos, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Fliaster

Please note: Information regarding the registration can be found via UnivIS and the news section on their website prior to the start of the semester.

Research Seminar on International Innovation Strategies
Graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Fliaster

Please note: Information regarding the registration can be found via UnivIS and the news section on their website prior to the start of the semester.

Organizational Innovativeness and Creativity
Graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Fliaster

Please note: Information regarding the registration can be found via UnivIS and the news section on their website prior to the start of the semester.

Strategy and Competition
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl

Corporate Strategy and Growth
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl

Corporate Strategy and Growth
Online exercise, 2 hrs per week, voluntary addition to the lecture, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Christoph Brielmaier

Strategic Practice and Process
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS, winter semester and summer semester

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl

Qualitative methodology in strategy and organization research
Graduate seminar, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl

Leadership and Management Development
Graduate seminar and exercise
, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen

Change Management
Graduate seminar and exercise
, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen

The Future of Work
Graduate seminar and exercise, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Maike Andresen

Advanced International Financial Reporting
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Eierle

Prerequisites: Knowledge of accounting in accordance with IFRS is strongly recommended.

Research Seminar about International Accounting and Auditing
Advanced Seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Eierle

Prerequisites: A Bachelor’s Degree is normally required. Knowledge of accounting in accordance with the German Commercial Code and IFRS is strongly recommended.

Research Seminar Management Accounting & Sustainability
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructors: Prof. Dr. Frank Schiemann, Dr. Blerita Korca, Lisa Schramm, M. Sc.

Strategic Management Accounting & Sustainability
Undergraduate Seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Frank Schiemann

Sustainability Accounting & Reporting
Graduate Seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Blerita Korca

Business-to-Business Marketing & Purchasing
Graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Global Marketing
Undergraduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Intercultural Challenges in Customer and Account Management
Graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Introduction to Marketing Intelligence
Undergraduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Strategic Brand Management
Undergraduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Blockchain Applications for Business
Online Course virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (
Graduate lecture, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Designing a Life with Purpose
Graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Bj?rn Ivens

Cases in Corporate Finance
Undergraduate seminar and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Main instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Muck

Personal Wealth Management
Undergraduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Tobias Kaufmann

Advanced Microeconomics
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Florian Herold

Political Economics
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Florian Herold

Financial Engineering and Systemic Risk
Graduate lecture and tutorial, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mishael Milakovi?

Complexity and Distribution in Economics
Graduate lecture and tutorial, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mishael Milakovi?

Project Seminar: Growth, Development and Sustainability
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian R. Proa?o

Advanced Macroeconomics
Graduate lecture, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian R. Proa?o

Computational Methods for Economic Research
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: N.N.

Empirical Methods in Monetary Macroeconomics
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian R. Proa?o

Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian R. Proa?o

Public Economic Theory
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Marco Sahm

Financial Market Dynamics
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr.  Frank Westerhoff

Quantitative Economic Policy
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr.  Frank Westerhoff

Business English 1
Undergraduate exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Christopher Jeffries

Business English 2
Undergraduate exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Michelle Palharini, Graeme McKay,
David Bull

Business English 3
Undergraduate exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Graeme McKay,
Pamela Malone-Carty

PWB-ST-S: Governance of Technological Systems – Technik Governance
seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS, winter and summer semester
Instructor: Jon Meyer

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

PWB-ST-S: Governance of Technological Systems – Digital Governance
seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS, winter and summer semester
Instructor: Jon Meyer

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

PWM-CS-HS3: Computational Social Science III: Computational Text Analysis for Social Science
Graduate seminar,
2hrs per week, 8 ECTS, winter and summer semester
Instructor: Sergei Pashakhin

PWM-CS-V: Computational Social Science I: Digital Media and Society
Graduate lecture,
2hrs per week, 6 ECTS, winter and summer semester
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungherr

PWM-ME-HS III: Political Research Methods III
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Lea Neumann

PWM-ME-HS V: Political Research Methods V
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Alexander Herzog

Political Theory IPhilosophy of Science
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Johannes Marx

Political Theory II Human Rights Theory
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Benjamin Hofmann

Political Theory III Truth and Politics
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Dr. Simon Scheller

PWB-VP-VS: AfD and others as challengers of dominant parties: causes and consequences of their success
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: David Beck

PWB-PF-S: Seminar Policy Analysis: Welfare Transformations in Post-socialist Europe
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Viktoriia Muliavka

PWM-PF-HS3: Master's Seminar Policy Analysis III: The Politics of Social Inequality
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Viktoriia Muliavka

PWB-PF-S Seminar Policy Analysis: Contemporary History for Political Scientists, 1789-2010s
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr Michele Mioni

PWM-PF-HS2:Master's Seminar Policy Analysis:  Historical Methods for Social Sciences: Theories, Interpretations, Sources, Actors of Social Policy
Graduate seminar,2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Dr Michele Mioni

Introductory Seminar International and European Politics
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

International and European Politics (European Integration/International Institutions/Foreign Policy)
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Advanced Seminar International and European Politics: The War in Ukraine: Causes, Course and Consequences  
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Political Research Methods II
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

International and European Politics
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Some courses taught in English are on the graduate level. However, foreign undergrads can be admitted to these classes if they have the necessary prerequisites in the relevant field. Undergraduate students are thus advised to contact the Instructors beforehand to discuss whether or not they can participate. Contact details can be found via

Sociology of Elites in International Comparison
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Drewski

Digital media and media systems 1
Undergraduate lecture and seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Isabel Kusche

Education and Labour in the Life Course: Mechanisms of Educational Inequality
Graduate Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Steffen Schindler

Inequality and Social Structure: Mechanisms of Educational Inequality
Graduate Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Steffen Schindler

Education and Labour in the Life Course: From School to Work
Graduate Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Steffen Schindler

Inequality and Social Structure: From School to Work
Graduate Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Steffen Schindler

Research Internship Education, Labour Market, Inequality
Graduate research internship, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Kleinert

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Population Studies: Digital Demography
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-W?lfler
Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Research Seminar Population and Family Studies
Graduate lecture and seminar, 4 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-W?lfler
Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Ethnic inequality: Social and ethnic inequality
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester.

Research on migration and integration: Social and ethnic inequality
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester.

Advanced topics in the sociology of migration: Social and ethnic inequality
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester

Ethnic inequality: Immigrant selectivity
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Regine Schmidt

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester.

Research on migration and integration: Immigrant selectivity
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Regine Schmidt

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester.

Social Change and Conflicts
Graduate seminar
, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Peetz

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Sociology of Social Conflicts
Graduate seminar
, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Peetz

Please note: If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English

Research Design
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel

Advanced Techniques in Longitudinal Analysis
Graduate seminar, 4 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Michael Gebel

Sociological Theory
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Peetz

Advanced topics in the sociology of migration: Immigrant selectivity
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Regine Schmidt

Requirements: Participation in two seminars of the chair within the same semester.

Precarious employment, job insecurity and health
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Marvin Reuter

Life Course and Social Inequality: Ageing and Gender in Europe
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Katja M?hring

Inequality and social structure: Life course and Social Policy
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Prof. Katja M?hring

Inequality Inequality and social structure: Poisened paradise? Inequality in couples
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Andreas Weiland

Theory and Politics of European Economic Integration
Undergraduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Dr. Ehsan Vallizadeh

Migration Studies:Social and ethnic inequality
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Yuliya Kosyakova

English for Social & Political Scientists: ESPS, Political Science
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Donald Watson

Please note: English skills are required at level B2

English for Social & Political Scientists: ESPS, Social Science
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Donald Watson

Please note: English skills are required at level B2

Statistics and Mathematics

Statistical Analysis of Incomplete Data
Graduate lecture and tutorial, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Florian Meinfelder, Paul Messer

Sampling Theory
Graduate lecture and tutorial, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich (video conference import from Trier University)

Introduction to Econometrics
Graduate lecture and tutorial, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Angelina Hammon, Michael Mühlbauer

Advanced Mathematical Methods
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Anne Leucht

Information Systems & Applied Computer Sciences

The following modules are offered in English by default or on demand. Note that there are also other modules available which are delivered in German but where the exam can be taken in English.
More information
and further courses can be found in the module handbook(2.3 MB) (see pp. 26 - 29 for course taught in English on demand).
Contact details can also be found via

ISPL-DPIS-M Digital Platforms in Industries and Society
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kude

VIS-IVVA-M: Advanced Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck

Prerequisites: see module description

VIS-Proj-M: Master Project Information Visualization
Graduate project, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck

Prerequisites: see module description

VIS-Sem-M: Master Seminar Information Visualization
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck

Prerequisites: see module description

DSG-DSAM-M Distributed Systems Architecture and Middleware
Graduate lecture and practicals, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Guido Wirtz

DSG-Project-2-SoSySc-B DSG Bachelorproject Software Systems Science
Undergraduate practicals, 8 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Guido Wirtz

DSG-Sem-B DSG Bachelor Seminar
Undergraduate practicals, 8 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Guido Wirtz

KTR-Mobi-M Mobile Communication
Graduate lectures and practicals, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

KTR-Proj Project Communication Networks and Services
Graduate project, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

KTR-SSSProj-B KTR Bachelor Project Software Systems Science
Undergraduate project, 8 hrs per week, 12 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

KTR-SSSProj-M KTR Master Project Software Systems Science
Graduate project, 6 hrs per week, 9 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

KTR-Sem-B Bachelor Seminar Communication Systems and Computer Networks
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

KTR-Sem-M Master Seminar Communication Systems and Computer Networks
Seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Udo Krieger

SYSNAP-Virt-M Virtualization
Vorlesung, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Michael Engel

SYSNAP-Project-M: Project Systems Programming
Graduate lecture and exercise, 6
hrs per week, 6 ECTS, winter and summer semester
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Michael Engel

EESYS-ADAML-M Applied Data Analytics and Machine Learning in R
Graduate lectures and practicals, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Staake

AISE-Proj-B Bachelor Project AI System Development
Undergraduate lecture, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, David Fuenmayor

AISE-Sem-B: Computational Philosophy
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS / 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, Prof. Dr. Andrea Vestrucci

AISE-Sem-M: Master's Seminar on AI System Development
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller

AISE-UL: Universal Logic & Universal Reasoning
Lecture and practical, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, David Fuenmayor

AISE-ProjPrak-UR: Universal Reasoning (in Philosophy, Mathematics and Computer Science)
Project, 6 hrs per week, 15 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, David Fuenmayor

xAI-Proj-B: Bachelor Project
Undergraduate lecture, 4hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Ines Rieger

xAI-Proj-M: Master Project Explainable Machine Learning
Graduate exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Francesco Di Salvo

xAI-DL-M: Deep Learning
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig

xAI-Sem-B1: Bachelor Seminar
Undergraduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Sebastian D?rrich

xAI-Sem-M1: Master Seminar
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig

MOBI-DSC-M Data Streams and Complex Event Processing
Graduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas

HCI-Proj-B Project Human-Computer Interaction
Undergraduate exercise,
4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Tom Gross

Please note:
If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English.All course materials (incl. exams) are available in English.

HCI-Proj2-M Research-Project Human-Computer Interaction
Graduate exercise,
6 hrs per week, 15 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Tom Gross

Please note:
 If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English.All course materials (incl. exams) are available in English.

HCI-Prop-M Propaedeutic: Human-Computer-Interaction
Graduate exercise,
2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Tom Gross

Please note:
 If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English. All course materials (incl. exams) are available in English.

HCI-Sem-M Seminar: Human-Computer-Interaction
Graduate exercise,
2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Tom Gross

Please note:
 If there are students present, who do not speak German, this course will be held in English. All course materials (incl. exams) are available in English.

SWT-FPS-B Foundations of Program Semantics
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 6 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Lüttgen

SWT-SWL-B Software Engineering Lab
Undergraduate exercise,
4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Lüttgen

SWT-SWQ-M Software Quality
Graduate lecture and exercise,
4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Lüttgen / Dr. Alexander Kraas

Introduction to Systems Programming in C++
Undergraduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Prof. Dr. Maximilian E. Schüle

Prerequisites: MOBI-DBS-B

Advanced Systems Programming in C++ (Master)
Graduate lecture and exercise, 4 hrs per week,
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Maximilian E. Schüle

Prerequisites: MOBI-DBS-B

CG-ProjVRAR-M: Seminar Virtual Reality/Agumented Reality
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Sophie J?rg

CG-CGA-B: Computer graphics and animation
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Sophie J?rg

IT English – Security
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Donald Watson

IT English – Debating Legal Issues
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Donald Watson

Human Sciences & Education

Research Seminar on Competence, Personality and Development in Different Learning Environments
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt, Dr. Ilka Wolter

The R an RStudio Environment: Handling, Visualisation and Communication of Data in Science
Graduate seminar, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Judith Volmer

Performance Management in Teams (ProMES)
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Judith Volmer

Personality and Mindfulness
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Theresa Waclawek

Digital Literacy, Social Inclusion, Gender and Early Childhood: A Dialogue on Contemporary Issues
Graduate online block seminar, 30 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Keratso Georgiadou

Perspectives on Empirical Educational Research
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Maximilian Pfost

Please note: Due to limited space in the seminar room, a pre-registration via e-mail (maximilian.pfost[at] is necessary.

Project Seminar - Interculturalism and Inclusion in Early Childhood Education
Graduate block seminar (Also open for Undergraduate Exchange Students), 2 or 4 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Hande Erdem M?bius

Reading Research Articles for Students of Psychology
Undergraduate and graduate excerise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson

Presenting Psychology Research in English
Undergraduate and graduate excerise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson

Writing Bachelors/Masters Theses in English for Students of Psychology
Undergraduate and graduate excerise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson


Digital Archiving and Digital Humanities (M-DDT-GL-7)
Graduate seminar, 1 hr per week, 2 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. John Hindmarch

Digital Archiving and Digital Humanities (M-DDT-GL-7)
Graduate lecture, 2 hr per week, 3 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. John Hindmarch

Please note: it is obligatory to attend both the seminar and the lecture in Digital Archiving.

Introduction to Historical Research
Undergraduate basic course, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Werner Scheltjens, Prof. Dr. Christof Rolker

Human Computers: The role of women in early digital history
Undergraduate and graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 7 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Werner Scheltjens

Media LinguisticsBA F-a
Undergraduate research project, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Dr. Hendrik Michael

Audio Drama BA III-c, BA V-b
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Holger Müller

Layout with InDesign: General Interest Magazines BA III-b, BA V-b
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS

Instructor: Holger Müller

English for Communications Science
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson

An Introduction to Linguistics
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 6 ECTS

Instructor: Nils Schiborr

An Introduction to Linguistics
Undergraduate lecture, 2 hrs per week, 2 ECTS

Instructor: Nils Schiborr

Language and society: introducing sociolinguistics
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig

The structure of Turkish
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig

Topics in syntactic typology
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig

Methods in quantitative analysis for linguistic research
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Haig

Language Documentation II (Twi Native Speakers)
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 8 ECTS

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Natalia Bogomolova

Kurdish I
Undergraduate and graduate seminar, 3 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Baydaa Mustafa

Introduction to Islamic Art and Archaeology
Undergraduate and graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Korn

Concepts and Institutions of Islamic Law in the early modern and modern periods
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost

Early modern and modern history and culture in the Middle East (17th – 19th centuries)
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost

Minorities and their role in the early modern transformations
Graduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost

The changing face of the early modern West Asian city: endowments, architecture, agency
Graduate seminar, 5 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost

Politics and literature in the modern Arabic World
Graduate and undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Philipp Winkler
Please note: English and German

Arabic Reading Class for Seminar "Politics and Literature in the Modern Arab World“
Graduate and undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 5 ECTS
Instructor: Philipp Winkler
Please note: English and German and Arabic


Sport as a Success Factor for Organizations
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, 2 ECTS
Instructor: Roland Back
Please note: The seminar has theoretical as well as practical elements and takes place in cooperation with Bamberg Baskets.

Protestantisms worldwide
Undergraduate seminar, 2 hrs per week, ECTS not specified

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Thomas Wabel

For students of English/American Studies, there is a wide range of interesting courses in English. Since almost all courses on undergraduate as well as graduate level are taught in English, the individual courses offered are not listed here.
Please note that in order to take part in seminars within the field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language it is necessary to have already acquired a solid knowledge of the basics of language pedagogy. Moreover, it is necessary to contact the instructor at the latest one week before the beginning of the semester.
You can find each chair's courses under the following links on Univis. 

To see in Univis which courses are ultimately taught in English, you have to look for the term "Englischsprachig" in the upper part of the course description website. Otherwise, the course descriptions themselves (further down the page, "Inhalt") are also written in the respective course language.

English Courses Offered by the Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum)

The Language Center has developed a range of English courses taught by various native speakers. More information can be found by contacting Catherine Irvine (catherine.irvine[at] or in UnivIs:

The Anglistik Einstufungstest (English Placement Test) is compulsory for students of English Studies/American Studies or English (Bachelor's major/minor, Master, all teacher training programms, vocational/social pedagogy, economics and business education).

The test will take place in face-to-face attendance in the winter semester 2023/2024: MG1/00.04, 6-8 p.m. Oct. 9 2023

A registration for the placement test is not required in advance! The test does not apply to Business English (see Placement Test for English HaF instead)!

The placement test serves as an orientation for the student and the department of English and American Studies about the level of the student's English skills in comparison with the other first-year students. It is compulsory for all, but has purely diagnostic purposes and does not lead to exclusion from the programme.

The test takes 90 minutes and usually takes place in the week before the start of the lecture period. It is a written test consisting of multiple-choice questions on vocabulary, grammar and text comprehension.

The HaF (H?rer aller Fakult?ten= students of all faculties) Placement Test is not a substitute or equivalent of the Anglistik Einstufungstest.

To attend HaF English classes (e.g. Business English or IT English), students must take an obligatory placement test at the beginning of the semester. This helps us to place students in the correct course level. The placement test evaluates grammar, reading, listening and vocabulary, and must be completed before FlexNow course registration closes. Students who do not take the test may be unable to attend English courses this semester.

The HaF Placement Test will take place ONLINE in Winter Semester 2023/2024.
You will receive an email with more information about access to the test when FlexNow registration for the test has closed.
The results of the test are valid for four semesters.
If you have questions about the HaF placement test, please contact catherine.irvine[at] for more information.

Test Results:
No certificate will be issued for the completion of the HaF placement test, nor can the test be “passed” or “failed”; it is purely for diagnostic purposes. You will receive an email with your test results with a score out of 92 and the CEFR level (B1, B2 etc.) you should select for your course(s). If you have taken the test once or have attended a course in general English, you do not have to retake the placement test.
If you have taken the Anglistik Einstufungstest (see above), you do not have to take this placement test.

Description of the HaF Placement Test:
There are 100 questions in the test. There are grammar and vocabulary questions as well as reading comprehension questions which become more difficult in the later parts of the test. There are also questions to test listening comprehension. The time limit for the placement test is 60 minutes, but students can submit the test earlier if they have finished.

Preparing for B1
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

B2: Academic Writing
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

B2: Vocabulary Skills
Undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

C1: Academic Writing
Graduate and undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson

C1: Communication Skills
Graduate and undergraduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Donald Watson

C1: Current Events - Discussion and Analysis
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

Preparing for C1
Undergraduate and graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

Writing and Presenting Academic Papers in English (C1)
Graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Catherine Irvine

Advanced Grammar Usage (C1)
Graduate exercise, 2 hrs per week, 3 ECTS
Instructor: Laura Murphy

German Courses Offered by the Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum)

The Language Centre's DaF (German as foreign language) offer is aimed at exchange students who are spending one or two semesters in Bamberg, as well as international students who are enrolled in a degree programme at the University of Bamberg. More information can be found by contacting Oliver Geike (oliver.geike[at] or in UnivIs:

At the beginner level, language courses can be taken; from B1 onwards, the offer includes mainly skills courses with different focuses such as grammar, phonetics, academic writing etc.

You can find the current list of courses offered by the Sprachenzentrum here.

Please Note:

  • Currently all seminars are scheduled in face-to-face format.
  • All courses are linked to Univis. Those courses that take place at the VHB (Virtual University of Bavaria): Direct links are not possible here, which is why links are provided to the DaF overview page of the VHB. There, you will find the respective course by searching for its name in the browser (Ctrl+F).
  • For some demos of VHB courses, you will need to register as a guest in order to view them.
  • Please do not forget to register in Flexnow in due time for the respective seminar as well as later for its examination! For organizational and equality reasons, no exceptions will be made and no deadlines will be extended. The deadlines will be communicated to you in the Virtual Campus of the respective seminars.


  • FlexNow - is a system for managing your academic records. In order for you to be awarded credit points for successfully completed courses, your grade will have to be entered into this program. You will be registered in the system after your arrival to Bamberg.
  • Univis – Bamberg university’s information system
  • Undergraduate – study courses for Bachelor level
  • Graduate – study courses for Master level
  • TBA – to be announced
  • hrs / SWS – hours