Université de Tours,
in cooperation with the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Val de Loire and
the unit Interactions Culturelles et Discursives (ICD, EA 6297),
is hosting the 2021 International Conference:
Famille Sans Frontières / Famille ?mancipée
Family Without Borders / Family Unbound
in a fully-digital format, under the theme “Family Formation"
April 1, 2021
08.40: meeting room opens for participants
09.00-09.15: opening
Elisabeth Gavoille, ICD Director (Tours University)
Eva-Sabine Zehelein (Bamberg University)
09.15-10.45: conversation 1 – Chair: Andrea Carosso
- Anne Cambon-Thomsen: “What is allowed is what we do? The roles of genetics in building a family.”
- Eva-Sabine Zehelein: “Family Trees: Mnemonics, Genealogy, Identity, and Cultural Memory”
- Isabel Heinemann: “The right moment? Unwanted childlessness, assisted reproduction and the temporalities of reproductive decision in modern societies”
10.45-10.55: coffee break
11.00-12.30: conversation 2 – Chair: Sonia Di Loreto
- Amalia Diurni: “Towards a new paradigm: the multi-parenthood”
- Cécile Coquet-Mokoko: “The significance of the dowry within the value systems of young French citizens of African origin”
- Marie Gayte-Lebrun: “Politicization and Weaponization of Family Values in the US”
12.30-13.55: lunch
14.00-15.30: conversation 3 – Chair: Chiara Saraceno
- Anthony Castet: “Beyond the Double Binds of Foster and Adoptive Same-Sex Families: Enforcing Obergefell v. Prioritizing Religious Exemptions”
- Cinzia Scarpino: “The difficult path to same sex marriages and stepchild adoption in Italy”
- Marie-Amélie George: “Exploring Identity: Custody Disputes involving Transgender, Nonbinary, and other Gender Expansive Children”
15.30-15.55: coffee break
16.00-17.30: Chair: Cécile Coquet-Mokoko
Keynote / Q & A
Rosanna Hertz (Wellesley College):
“Reimagining and Expanding Kinship Through Genetic Ties: Who are we to one another?”
April 2, 2021
08.40: meeting room opens for participants
09.00-10.30: conversation 4 – Chair: Anne-Sophie Godfroy
- Sonia Di Loreto: “Cultures of Adoption in the US”
- Andrea Carosso: “Family Planning Policies in the US and Europe in the Early Cold War”
10.30-11.00: coffee break
11.00-12.30: conversation 5 – Chair: Cécile Coquet-Mokoko
- Anne-Sophie Godfroy: “Buying time thanks to new technologies: a solution to answer contradictory injunctions during career starts?”
- Vincenzo Bavaro: “Queering the Genealogy, Reclaiming an Eccentric Family in Moana and Coco.”
- Tetiana Havlin: “Intergenerational differences in the family – the example of Russian migrants in Germany”
12.30-14.50: lunch
15.00-16.30: Chair: Eva-Sabine Zehelein
Keynote / Q & A
Sophie Bjork-James (Vanderbilt University):
“Race and Family Values in the US”