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Professur für Amerikanistik
International Online Conference 2022: "Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words"
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Professur für Amerikanistik
Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
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Professur für Amerikanistik
International Online Conference 2022: "Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words"
Fakult?t 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 Kulturwissenschaften
Professur für Amerikanistik
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Consolidation Module (M.A.)
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Nützliche Links
International Conference 2022: "Family Ecologies: Family as/at Home"
International Online Conference 2022: "Joan Didion: Life and/with/through Words"
"Spekulative Fiktion und Ethik" - 12. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF)
International Online Conference 2021: "Family Without Borders / Family Unbound"
War and Trauma 2018 in Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Conference
International Conference 2016: "The Environment and Human Migration"
DGfA Postgraduate Forum 2015
International Symposium 2014: "Whitman Across Genres"
Whitman Week 2014 - Seminar and Symposium
Symposium 2014: "Nature – Mobility – Literature: The Environmental Imagination of Migration"
Prof. Dr. Christine Gerhardt
Akademischer Werdegang
Dr. Nicole K. Konopka
Akademischer Werdegang
Forschung & Vortr?ge
Projekte & Publikationen
Mitgliedschaften & ?mter
Dr. Mareike Spychala
Akademischer Werdegang
Forschung und Konferenzen
Publikationen und Vortr?ge
?mter und Mitgliedschaften
Y?ld?z A?ar, M.A.
Akademischer Werdegang
Forschung und Konferenzen
Publikationen und Vortr?ge
Mitgliedschaften und ?mter
Susen Halank, M.A.
Akademischer Werdegang
Forschung und Konferenzen
Publikationen und Vortr?ge
Mitgliedschaften und ?mter
Emeritus: Prof. em. Dr. Heiner Bus
Ehemalige Mitarbeiterinnen
Dr. Lorena Bickert
Akademischer Werdegang
Forschung und Konferenzen
Publikationen und Vortr?ge
Mitgliedschaften und ?mter
PD Dr. Eva-Sabine Zehelein
JProf. Dr. Judith Rauscher
Dr. Theresa Heublein
Prof. Ed Folsom (2022)
Prof. Myron M. Beasley (2019)
Prof. Colin Milburn (2019)
Prof. Jon Smith (2018)
Prof. Melissa F. Zeiger (2018)
Prof. Jon Smith (2014)
Prof. Melissa F. Zeiger (2013)
Prof. Lynn Rose (2013)
Prof. Tom Whalen (2013)
"Black Queer Space Time in 'Biskaya' und bei Audre Lorde" Online-Vortrag zum Black History Month 2025
"Family Discord: The Politics of Racial Time Unhinged in Baldwin’s 'If Beale Street Could Talk' and Barry Jenkins’ Adaptation, 'Beale Street'" "
"Communication Strategies and the Speaking Self in Dickinson’s Letters and Poems"
American Election Night 2024
"Wet Matter and Its Narrative Agencies in the Blue Humanities"
"Poe and Psychoanalysis"
"Vielfalt in Bilderbüchern" Lesung zum Black History Month 2024
"Can America Be Trusted Again?"
"Makeshift Images: Writing the American South"
"Dickinson’s Letters and Letter-Poems"
"Gone with the Wind/Via vol vento/Vom Winde Verweht: The Italian (and German) Publication History of an American Bestseller"
"Geister der Vergangenheit" Lesung zum Black History Month 2023
"'There's still a world': Salvaging Hope in Garbagetown"
"Whitman Left to His Own Devices"
"Not a Monolith: Queerness, Race, & Asian Americanness"
"Knowledge and Discomfort: Reading Toni Morrison's 'Recitatif' as a White Person"
"The Native Amerindian Concept of Life-Environment (teko) according to Sacred Poetry Mbya-Guaraní"
"Anne Spencer's Garden Politics"
"Think Small: Minor Forms & the Making of Modernity"
Poetry Reading with Dr. Laura Passin
"Negating the Human, Narrating a World Without Us"
"Can Historians Change Their Minds about What They Have Already Written?"
"How to Reconcile Disability with Transcendentalist Optimism?: Louisa May Alcott’s Lessons from her Father"
"Ending Fossil Capitalism"
"Fiction after Postmodernism – New Realism, Contagion, and the Dystopian Imagination in Margaret Atwood's Work"
"If She Can See It, She Can Be It: Women, Science, and Screens"
"With Modernity against Modernity: American Romanticism"
American Election Night 2020
"The (Im-)Possible Families of Henry Bibb: Black Families between Slavery and Freedom"
"Agency and Gendered Spaces in Uranium City, Canada: A Visual Journey into Environmental Trauma"
"From Reconstruction to Charlottesville 2017: Legacies of the Civil War in the US South"
"Ubiquitous Radioactivity: Environmental Justice and the Nuclear Weapons Industry in the US Southwest"
"Rethinking How We Teach Literary Theory"
"'When you're small, you gotta fix what you can': Overconsumption and Ecojustice in 'Beasts of the Southern Wild'"
"'Playing in the Dark': Whiteness in Videogames"
"Anocriticism as Resistance: Narratives of Age/ing Against the Grain"
"Heroines of the Flood: What Afrofuturist science can teach us about environmental injustice, disability politics, and sustainable leadership"
"Southern Modernisms"
"America's Sweetheart Charms European Royals: Annie Oakley, Gun Culture, and Western Myths"
"'Essenz entsteht durch Quetschen': Emily Dickinsons Lyrik"
"Is #MeToo sexy? Or: What Does it Mean for Women to Act Politically?"
"A Sense of Social Justice? Photography and the Cold War Struggle against Poverty"
"Edgework: German and American Feminism, Gender, and Race"
"Engel in Amerika - Shop Talk mit dem Dramaturgen"
"From Devilish Dancing and Wicked Waltzing to American Modern Dance"
"Writing the Southwest"
"The 'iness' of 'not numerable whom': The Poetry & Paintings of E. E. Cummings"
"Negro Universities Press and the Archives of Abolitionism"
"Emily Dickinson's Civil War"
"The Allure of Diasporic Homecoming: Barack Obama's Dreams from My Father and Ika Hügel-Marshall's Daheim Unterwegs"
American Election Night 2016
"Ghosts and Their Hosts: Spectrality in American Romantic Literature"
"The Art of Plantation Management: Race, Risk, and Swamp Ecologies in Charles Sealsfield's Immigrant Nature Writing"
"Nasty Women: Feminist Poetry in the Era of Trump"
"The Cinema of Insanity: Madness and Normality in the Culture of the 1960s"
"Contested Canons? Toni Morrison and the Nobel Prize in Germany"
"Why America doesn't know what to do with its own government: Trump, Sanders, and frankly, everyone else"
"The Poem as Meeting Place: Why You Shouldn't Be Scared of Poetry"
Author Reading & Discussion: "Writing the Female Body: Poetry and More with Laura Passin"
Kanada Woche: "Ein Sommer am See" – Gespr?ch mit der Autorin über das Entstehen der Graphic Novel
Kanada Woche: "Flüchtige Seelen" – Lesung und Gespr?ch mit der Autorin
Kanada Woche: "Der L?wensucher" – Lesung und Gespr?ch mit dem Autor
Kanada Woche: "Der Geschmack der Sehnsucht" – Lesung und Gespr?ch mit der Autorin
"Milblogs and the Tradition of Pop Culture in the US Military"
"Queer Performance in Transnational Spaces: Lady Gaga's Monster Ball"
"How Deep is Oil? Energy Regimes and American Culture"
"Germany's Amerika-H?user: Architecture in the Battle for Hearts and Minds"
"Melville's Descent into the Maelstrom"
"The Politics of Well-being: Countering Discrimination in Contemporary Disability Memoirs"
"The End of Night? Searching for Darkness in an Age of Artificial Light"
"Modernism, Totalitarianism, and Ezra Pound"
"The Straw That Broke; Or, Science Fiction and Ontology in the Age of Post-Humanism"
"Hund-Werden, Mensch-Werden. Kanidenhybriden in der Gegenwartskunst"
"The Myths That Made America"
"Intersections: One Household/Two Stories. Remembering an Arab and a Jewish Past"
"'Red, White and Blue' oder 'Black, Brown and Beige' . Zum Verh?ltnis zwischen Jazz und Politik in den USA des 20sten Jahrhunderts"
"Picturing Black Hawk: 'Indian' Portraits and Cultural Exchange"
"Useful or Useless: Ruminations on Labeling Something 'Postmodern'"
"And So the Password Is—?": Vladimir Nabokov and the Ethics of Rereading
"Cold War, Warm Gun: Violence and Domesticity in "High Noon" (1952)"
"Iago's Motives: Psychosexuality in the Destruction of Othello"
"'Less Than Perfect': Negotiating Breast Cancer in Popular Romance"
"New Stories about Old Age: Queer Aging in North American Fiction"
"The Figure of a Man Being Swallowed by a Fish"
"Mark Twain: The Man in White and His Autobiographies"
"Seasons of Blood: Humanity at the Crossroads. A Canadian Poet’s Perspective"
"Deviant Behavior: Reading and Writing Critical Fiction"
"Postmodern Laughter"
"'The Land is Deep in Time': Stories, Places, Immigrants and Indigeneity in Canada"
American Election Night 2012
"Americanism, anti-Americanism and the 2012 Presidential Election"
"The Freakshow. Representations of Extraordinary Bodies in the 19th Century"
"Coming Face to Face with the Past: A Personal History of Civil War Reenacting in the United States"
"From Sojourner Truth to Michelle Obama: Black Women’s Role in the African American Freedom Struggle"
"Ecocriticism, Risk, and Climate Change Fiction"
"Gendering the Civil War: Reimagination des Krieges in Hollywood"
"The Languages of Expansion in America"
"The Role of Race and Religion in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election"
"Underground Environments and the Texas Oil Gothic"
"'Leitkultur' oder 'Multikulturalismus' Nationale Identit?t in den USA und Frankreich im Vergleich"
"Edgar Allan Poe"
"America's Newest Voting Bloc: Who Are the 'New Evangelicals'?"
"Amerika, im Hinterhof erkl?rt - Der Comic-Strip Gasoline Alley"
"Climate Refugees"
"Meat in the Middle: Converging Borderlands in the U.S. Midwest, 1865-1900"
"The Selling of Soul: African American Radio, Record Stores and Consumer Culture"
"Staring at the Amish: An American Mirror"
"The Pennsylvania Germans: Over 300 Years of Secular Integration and Religious Separation."
"American Culture and Trauma Since 9/11"
"Making America - Editing a New Literary History of America"
"The American Civil War: History, Literature, Culture" — Compact Seminar in the French Alps
"Hemingway, Iberian Contemporaries, and the Spanish Civil War" — Blockseminar in Spanien
Sonderausstellung "Dude Ranches" im Levi Strauss Museum Buttenheim
"Exile in America: Historical and Literary Perspectives" — Compact Seminar in the French Alps
Sonderausstellung "American Dreams" in Stuttgart
Vom fr?nkischen Dorf zum Amerikanischen Traum: Tagesausflug zum Levi Strauss Museum in Buttenheim
"Nature and Environment in Nineteenth-Century American History, Literature, and Culture" — Compact Seminar in the French Alps
"The American Presidency: History, Literature, Culture" — Compact Seminar in the French Alps
Over There: Americans in London During the World Wars
"The American Civil War" — Compact Seminar in the French Alps
Five Days in Rome: Tracing American Life in the Eternal City
Salonf?hige Superhelden: Exkursion zum 17. Internationalen Comic Salon Erlangen
Going North: Hamburg and Bremerhaven as Gateways into the New World
Delving into Dublin: A Field Trip to the Capital of the Emerald Island
"Transatlantic Ties" — Student Symposium in Prague, CZ
The Changing Notions of Friendship: Day Trip to Weimar
American Modernism in Paris: One Week in the French Capital
Exploring German Castles from a North-American POV: A Day Trip to Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau
A Field Trip Back in Time: American Civil War Reenactment in Walldürn, Germany
Exploring English Gardens and German Ruins: Day Trip to Wilhelmsbad (Hanau) and Frankfurt/Main
Local "Grusel" and Subversion: Classes at the E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Haus, Bamberg
When Robin Met G?tz: Theater Trip to the Burgfestspiele Jagsthausen
Bamberg Buddies
How To Participate
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Past Events & Pictures
International Online Conference:
Joan Didion: Life and / with / through Words
April 29-30, 2022