Seit 10/2022
Personal- und Organisationsentwickler bei der uniVersa Versicherung, Nürnberg
Seit 04/2020
Doktorand an der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Professur für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie)
10/2019 – 09/2022
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Professur für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie)
02/2019 – 08/2019
atrain GmbH, HR Abteilung (studienbegleitender Werkstudent)
01/2019 – 09/2019
Studentische Hilfskraft an der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg (Professur für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie)
10/2018 – 04/2020
Masterstudium 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (M.Sc.) an der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
12/2017 – 02/2018
Moldzio & Partner – Institut für Personalauswahl, Tremsbüttel (Praktikum)
10/2017 – 11/2017
Olympiastützpunkt Saarbrücken, Bereich Sportpsychologie (Praktikum)
08/2016 – 10/2016
Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Klinik Mutterhaus der Borrom?erinnen, Trier (Praktikum)
11/2015 – 09/2016
Schulpsychologischer Dienst des Landkreises Saarlouis, Psychodiagnostische T?tigkeit
09/2015 – 10/2015
Schulpsychologischer Dienst des Landkreises Saarlouis (Praktikum)
10/2014 – 08/2017
Bachelorstudium 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (B.Sc.) an der Universit?t Trier
What does leadership to the leader? Exploring the relationship between leadership behavior and multiple leader outcomes
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2024). Exploring the dynamic relationship of transformational leadership behavior and leader well-being: A three-wave cross-lagged panel study. Occupational Health Science, 8, 71–101. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41542-023-00165-9
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2024). What does leadership do to the leader? Using a pattern-oriented approach to investigate the association between daily leadership profiles and daily leader well-being. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, Article 6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-024-09939-6
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2022). A diary study on the moderating role of leader-member exchange on the relationship between job characteristics, job satisfaction, and emotional exhaustion. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 812103. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.812103
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2022). What does leadership do to the leader? Using a pattern-oriented approach to investigate the association of daily leadership profiles and daily leader well-being. PsychArchives. https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.5333
Zyberaj, J., Seibel, S., Schowalter, A. F., P?tz, L., Richter-Killenberg, S., & Volmer, J. (2022). Developing sustainable careers during a pandemic: The role of psychological capital and career adaptability. Sustainability, 14(5), Article 3105. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14053105
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2023, September). Der Zusammenhang zwischen t?glichem Führungsverhalten und t?glichem Wohlbefinden von Führungskr?ften: Ein latenter Profilansatz [The relationship between daily leadership behavior and daily well-being of leaders: A latent profile approach] [Conference presentation]. 13th Conference of the Section of Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology (German Psychological Society), Kassel, Germany.
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2022, September). Was macht Führung mit der Führungskraft? Eine dreiwellige Wochenbuchstudie zum Zusammenhang von transformationaler Führung und dem Wohlbefinden von Führungskr?ften [What does leadership do to the leader? A three-wave weekly study on the relationship between transformational leadership and the well-being of managers] [Conference presentation]. 52nd Conference of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.
Poetz, L., & Volmer, J. (2021, September). T?gliche Führungskraft-Besch?ftigten Beziehung (LMX) als Moderator des Zusammenhangs von t?glichen Arbeitscharakteristika und Wohlbefinden: Eine Tagebuchstudie [Daily leader-member exchange (LMX) as a moderator of the relationship between daily work characteristics and well-being: A diary study] [Presentation in the Symposium “Leaders as health managers? New perspectives on leaders in (workplace) health promotion”]. 12th Conference of the Section of Work, Organizational, and Business Psychology (German Psychological Society), Chemnitz, Germany.
P?tz, L. (2020). Leader-member exchange as a moderator of the job characteristics-well-being relationship: A daily diary study considering same day and next day effects [Master`s thesis, University of Bamberg]. FIS Universit?t Bamberg. https://doi.org/10.20378/irb-48181
P?tz, L. (2017). Der Einfluss der Nutzung von Online-Medien am Abend auf Detachment und Relaxation [Unpublished bachelor`s thesis]. University of Bamberg.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (DGPs), Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Fachgruppe Sportpsychologie
- Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BDP)