The Project Week is an international course offering a combination of exercises for a virtual simulation of a 3D scanner (VRscan3D) and real application of 3D terrestrial laser scanning of historic buildings at the University of Bamberg. It offers practical experience in virtual and real scanning and an introduction to the theoretical basics of laser scanning technologies, construction of the scanners and application areas.
The 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning. From simulation to real scanning - German-Ukrainian Project Week is aimed at students from German and Ukrainian universitieswho wish to try a completely new technology of virtual 3D scanning, to compare it with experience in real life and expand understanding of laser scanning technologies with their evaluation and visualisation.
This event is part of a DAAD-funded project. It is lead by Prof. Dr. Thomas Luhmann from Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg, Germany, and co-taught by Prof. Dr. Mona Hess and Dr. Maria Chizhova, Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation, University of Bamberg, as well as Dr. Denys Gorkovchuk, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (Faculty of Geoinformation Systems and territory Management).
This project week is a part of the VRscan3D Project, which is financed under DAAD program: support for the internationalisation of Ukrainian higher education institutions – shaping the digital future together: German-Ukrainian higher education institution collaborations.
The program for the virtual laser scanner VRscan3D has won the first prize of the ISPRS CATCON Award during the ISPRS Congress 2022 in Nice.
The course is held in English. Preferable, but not required is an affinity for digital surveying techniques.
There is no registration fee. Costs for travels and accomodation are covered by the organizers. The number of participants is limited to 20 students.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Bamberg.
For more information about the program VRscan3D you can visit the project webpagevrscan3d.comand our Youtube channel:
Faculty of Geoinformation systems Systems and Territory Management (Kyiv National University for Construction and Architecture)

Institute for Applied Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics (Jade University Oldenburg)