Consulting for students, staff and professors

Quantitative analyses are accompanied by many questions that may arise during the process. Is the method correct? How are the results to be interpreted? The BACES consultations offer help in finding answers to these questions. These are offered to the target group described below and are free of charge.

Immediate help

  • For short questions about problems with the interpretation of data.
  • The duration of the immediate help is limited to about 20 minutes. If the need for counselling is longer, a counselling appointment can be arranged.
  • Feel free to visit us! Our team is always available on Tuesdays between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00a.m. and on Wednesdays between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in room F21/00.30. Please send an e-mail to beratung.baces(at)  to avoid waiting times.
  • Important: Even for emergency counselling, the counsellor must agree (see requirements).

Counselling appointments

  • For project-specific and more extensive questions on statistical analyses.
  • Only by arrangement of a counselling appointment. You can register for a consultation appointment here.

Target group

Who receives free consultation:

  • Students as well as all employees, including professors, of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.
  • External doctoral students who are enrolled as doctoral students at the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg.


The supervisor must be informed in advance about the planned cooperation with BACES and agree to it. Furthermore, we generally refuse consultation if the thesis’ submission is due within four weeks or less.

Notes on counselling

  • BACES follows the principle of "help for self-help". Therefore, a complete evaluation of the data including interpretation of the results cannot be provided. However, small calculations and small analysis steps in the software are usually carried out together with the person to be advised.
  • For capacity reasons, the scope of the counselling should not exceed 3 appointments.
  • In advance, the participant should specify his/her research hypotheses precisely, prepare the data sufficiently for statistical analysis and - if possible - refresh his/her knowledge of statistics.


  • First of all, deal in detail with your topic and especially with the empirical part of your thesis. Try to make it as clear as possible what questions you have and what you need our support for.
  • Then fill out the online form  to register for the consultation. The more relevant information you provide us with in advance, the more efficiently we can prepare for your counselling case. If any questions arise while filling out the form, please contact us to clarify them in advance. After you have submitted the form, we will contact you to arrange an appointment for an initial consultation.
  • Please bring any necessary documents (preferably in printed form or on your notebook, but also on a USB stick if necessary) to the appointment. Please present your student ID or other official documents showing that you are a student or member of the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg at the time of the consultation.