Economics and Business Education - Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen
In order to strengthen vocational education and training both nationally and internationally, we have set ourselves the goal of critically analysing trends and influences on vocational education and training. In doing so, we focus equally on the (vocational) education system (educational decisions and processes, informal learning) and the labour market (usability of qualifications and skills, returns on education). Our aim is not only to research continuous learning processes over the course of a person's life, but also to actively live them with a view to further methodological qualification and the promotion of young academics on the basis of interdisciplinary questions. In doing so, we actively incorporate current and future educationally relevant objectives and trends such as sustainability, gender sensitivity, language sensitivity and globalisation into our research.
The long-term goal of the Professorship of Business Education is to conduct academic and practically relevant research on the topics of educational decisions and trajectories, educational mobility, professional and labour market integration and corporate transformation processes (digitalisation, sustainability, globalisation). We analyse and design educational and learning processes at both company and individual level. To ensure the practical relevance of our research, we work closely with our practice partners and take on board their valuable input. We develop scientifically sound solutions for them, such as innovative teaching-learning formats and domain-specific competence models. With this in mind, we are expanding existing practical collaborations with companies and are interested in new collaborations with companies.
In addition to practice, our team pays particular attention to international perspectives in order to broaden our view of vocational education and training and to take up both research methodological and thematic impulses from the international discourse and integrate them into our research. We work closely with various international universities and research institutions (e.g. in Canada, Brazil and France). Our holistic view of educational and learning processes enables us to help shape the future of vocational education and training together with our partners from science and practice.
We work on issues in the context of the above-mentioned subject areas as part of funded collaborative projects (with national and international research and practice partners), individual research projects and qualification papers. If you are interested in our current research projects, please visit our "Current projects" page.

High level of interdisciplinarity: Our research makes use of different perspectives and disciplinary approaches are used.
Internationality of projects: The focus is on Europe and North America.
Networking: The professorship is characterized by external networking with companies especially with a commercial focus as well as university schools.
The research results are to be used in order to develop resulting implications for the future design of vocational education.

Recognition of competencies (national and international)
Educational decisions and educational trajectories
Effects of the digital transformation, especially on the commercial occupational area
Current Publications of the Professorship
Annen, S. (2024): Immigrants’ perception of informal learning in their labour market integration. In: J. Scharfenberg, J. Hufnagl, A. Kroner, & M. Spiekenheuer (Hrsg.), Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt—Migration and Education in a Globalised World. Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Migrationsgesellschaft—Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Migration Society (S. 35–51). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. URL:
Annen, S./ Hufnagl, J. (2024): Potenziale des Skills Ecosystem Approach für den Fachkr?ftemangel in Deutschland (Potential of the skills ecosystem approach for the skills shortage in Germany). In: Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik Online bwp@, Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023 20.-22. M?rz 2023 an der Universit?t Bamberg, S.1-25. URL:
Hufnagl, J. (2024). Intersectional Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网, 56(1-2), 37–54.
Hufnagl, J./ Annen, S. (2024). Nachhaltigkeit in der betrieblichen Ausbildung – Kompetenzanforderungen aus unternehmerischer Sichtweise (Sustainability in in-company training - competence requirements from an entrepreneurial perspective). bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik – online, Ausgabe 45, 1–29.
Sailer-Frank. S./ Annen, S. (2024). Gamifizierte kollaborative Kurselemente zur F?rderung der Partizipation (Gamified collaborative course elements to promote participation). In V?ing, N.; Jenert, T.; Neiske, I.; Osthushenrich, J.; Trier, U.; Weber, T. & Altroggen, K. (Hrsg.), Hochschullehre postdigital. Lehren und Lernen neu gestalten (55-69). Bielefeld: wbv Publikation.