Current Projects

DigiTrain VET

DigiTrain VET - Requirements for in-company training personnel with regard to the design of learning environments in digitized vocational training systems.

Abstract: The digital transformation is changing the processes as well as the organization of in-company work. This leads to changed competence requirements and brings with it the need for in-company training and continuing education to promote a professional capacity of employees for increasingly digitally structured processes. Although this objective is an international consensus among stakeholders in vocational education and training, the way to achieve this goal is usually unclear. For this reason, the challenges and the operational and didactic strategies for implementing the digital transformation in in-company training will be identified on the basis of problem-centered interviews with process managers (functional experts) and training managers (training experts) in 10 large companies in Germany and Brazil. Specifically, functional departments and in-company training departments in companies in the automotive industry will be surveyed about changes in work and business processes in the course of the digital transformation and about didactic concepts guiding action in this context.

The central research interests of this project are:

  • What changes are occurring in work and business processes as a result of the digital transformation in the automotive industry?
  • In what way and with what concepts has in-company education and training taken up these changes so far, combined with the goal of preparing employees for coping with digitally structured work processes through vocational education and training?
  • Which didactic-organizational reference concepts can be observed in the course of the digital transformation and where is there a need for development?

Cooperation partner: Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS; website:

Transformative Skills for Sustainability

Professionalization for a Sustainable Economy

Short Description:

Das Projekt ?Transformative Skills für Nachhaltigkeit – Professionalisierung für eine zukunftsf?hige Wirtschaft“ besch?ftigt sich mit konkreten strukturellen oder methodischen Herausforderungen der Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer oder bestehender Lehrmodule für Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen. Der Stifterverband m?chte damit als Schnittstelle zwischen Unternehmen und Hochschulen auf den Bedarf an Zukunftskompetenzen zu reagieren. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Nachhaltigkeit.
Die Wirtschaftsp?dagogik Bamberg war Teil der Projektinitiative an der Universit?t Bamberg, die sich erfolgreich beworben und in die ?Community of Practice“ aufgenommen wurde. Hierbei werden in insgesamt vier geplanten Curriculumswerkst?tten zum einen Gespr?che zwischen den Nachhaltigkeitsexpert:innen gef?rdert, zum anderen wird zum ?Design Thinking“ sowie zur Anwendung von Methoden aus der agilen Organisations- und Produktentwicklung angeregt. Zwischen diesen interdisziplin?ren Teams sollen au?erdem neue Partnerschaften geknüpft werden.

The project "Transformative Skills für Nachhaltigkeit – Professionalisierung für eine zukunftsf?hige Wirtschaft" deals with specific structural or methodological challenges in the development and implementation of new or existing teaching modules for sustainability skills. The "Stifterverband" aims to act as an interface between companies and universities to react to the need for future skills. The focus here lies on sustainability.
The Professorship of Business Education was part of the project initiative at the University of Bamberg, which successfully applied and was accepted into the "Community of Practice". In a total of four planned curriculum workshops, discussions between sustainability experts will be encouraged on the one hand, and on the other hand "design thinking" and the application of methods from agile organizational and product development will be encouraged. New partnerships are also to be forged between these interdisciplinary teams.

Specifically, a teaching format with a thematic focus on alternative economic models is being developed in co-creation with students. This will subsequently be provided in various university programs. The implementation will be scientifically supported.
In addition, the Professorship of Business Education will cooperate closely with the "Sustainability Steering Group" at the University of Bamberg. This will enable us to build on existing structures such as the Sustainability Month or the additional qualification with a focus on sustainability.

The project is funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation and the German Federal Environmental Foundation. The project period is from June 2023 to May 2024.

The central objectives of this project are:

  • To respond to the need for future skills with a focus on sustainability through networking and innovative teaching
  • Promoting transformative skills for sustainability across all study programs
  • Strengthening the interdisciplinary exchange of students
  • Anchoring workshops of change in the curriculum


More Information (in German):

Aktuelles: "Transformative Skills für Nachhaltigkeit – WiP?d Bamberg an erfolgreichem Antrag beteiligt"

Contact Person:

Julia Hufnagl (julia.hufnagl(at)