Julia Hufnagl, M. Sc.


K?rntenstra?e 7, D-96052 Bamberg, room K?7/00.22
Phone: +49 (0) 951 863-2754
E-Mail: julia.hufnagl(at)uni-bamberg.de

LinkedIn | ResearchGate | Xing | ORCID | BAGSS Profile

Consultation hours

by appointment per E-Mail


  • Global Learning, Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainable Development
  • Intersectional Disadvantages and Discriminatory Processes in Vocational Education and Training
  • International Comparison of Vocational Education and Training Systems (Focus Europe and North America)

Working Title:

Global Learning for Sustainable Development in the Workplace

Dissertation Projects of the Professorship of Business Education - Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen

Scientific Contributions

Hufnagl, J. (2024). Intersectional Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网, 56(1-2), 37–54. https://doi.org/10.1026/0049-8637/a000289

Hufnagl, J. & Larsen, Y. (2024). Projektwerkst?tten des Wandels – Konzepte für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft (Transformation project workshops – concepts for a sustainable economy.). B. Dernbach & M. Klages (Eds.), Interdisziplin?re Lehre fu?r nachhaltige Entwicklung. Beitr?ge zur ersten Fachkonferenz 2023 an der Technischen Hochschule Nu?rnberg Georg Simon Ohm (S. 54–62). https://doi.org/10.34646/thn/ohmdok-1567

Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S. (2024). Nachhaltigkeit in der betrieblichen Ausbildung – Kompetenzanforderungen aus unternehmerischer Sichtweise (Sustainability in vocational training - competence requirements from an entrepreneurial perspective). bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik – online, Ausgabe 45, 1-29. https://www.bwpat.de/ausgabe45/hufnagl_annen_bwpat45.pdf

Hufnagl, J. (2024). National despite global? Perspectives of country comparisons on transformative education for sustainable development. J. Scharfenberg, J. Hufnagl, A. Kroner, & M. Spiekenheuer (Eds.), Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt—Migration and Education in a Globalised World. Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Migrationsgesellschaft—Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Migration Society (p. 155–168). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. https://doi.org/10.31244/9783830998419_12

Hufnagl, J., Kralik, L. & Annen, S. (2024). Ungenutztes Fachkr?ftepotenzial – Strategien zur Bindung von Mitarbeiterinnen in der Tech-Branche (Untapped Staff Potential – Strategies for retaining female Employees in the Tech Industry). K.-H. Gerholz, S. Annen, R. Braches-Chyrek, J. Hufnagl & A. Wagner (Eds.), bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023, 1–25. https://www.bwpat.de/ht2023/hufnagl_etal_ht2023.pdf

Annen, S. & Hufnagl, J. (2024). Potenziale des Skills Ecosystem Approach für den Fachkr?ftemangel in Deutschland (Potential of the skills ecosystem approach for the skills shortage in Germany). K.-H. Gerholz, S. Annen, R. Braches-Chyrek, J. Hufnagl & A. Wagner (ed.), bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023, 1–25. https://www.bwpat.de/ht2023/annen_hufnagl_ht2023.pdf


Gerholz, K.-H., Annen, S., Braches-Chyrek, R., Hufnagl, J. & Wagner, A. (2024) (Hrsg.). Fachkr?ftesicherung – Zukunftsweisende Qualifizierung, gesellschaftliche Teilhabe und Integration durch berufliche Bildung. bwp@ Spezial HT2023: Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung 2023.

Scharfenberg, J., Hufnagl, J., Kroner, A., & Spiekenheuer, M. (Hrsg.) (2024). Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt—Migration and Education in a Globalised World. Perspektiven, Herausforderungen und Chancen in der Migrationsgesellschaft—Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Migration Society. Waxmann Verlag GmbH. https://doi.org/10.31244/9783830998419

Scientific Transfer

Hufnagl, J. (2024).The Importance of Informal Learning for Sustainable Development. PIMA Bulletin 50, 31–37. https://www.pimanetwork.com/post/pima-bulletin-no-50

Gerholz, K.-H., Hufnagl, J. & Sailer-Frank, S. (2024). Didaktischer Einsatz von Virtual Reality. Ein Micro-Workshopkonzept zur Sensibilisierung von Lehrenden (Didactic use of virtual reality. A micro-workshop concept for sensitizing teachers). wb-web. Kompetenz für Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildner/innen.Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung.

Hufnagl, J. (2023). Why don’t we move from knowledge to action? Transformative Learning as a Response to Sustainability Challenges. Frankly 34, 15–16. https://fulbright-alumni.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FRANKly34_2023-1.pdf

Hufnagl, J. (2023). Thoughts on Diversity – How to Make Recruitment More Performance-Linked. Frankly 34, 16–17. https://fulbright-alumni.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/FRANKly34_2023-1.pdf

Conference Presentations

Hufnagl, J.: "Nachhaltigkeitswissen in der betrieblichen Bildung – Spannungsfelder und L?sungsans?tze" (Sustainability knowledge in in-company training – tensions and solutions); 20. Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (Umk?mpftes Nachhaltigkeitswissen); Würzburg (Germany); 6-07-2024.

Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S.: "Entwicklungsrichtlinien und Potenziale der betrieblichen Bildung im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation" (Development directives and potentials of in-company training in the context of sustainability transformation); Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) (Berufsbildung in Zeiten des Mangels - Handlungserfordernisse neu denken); Innsbruck (Austria); 4-07-2024.

Hufnagl, J.: "Betriebliche Bildung im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation" (Company training in the context of the sustainability transformation); Young Scholars Workshop at the annual conference of the German Association for Social Science Labor Market Research (Lost in Transformation? Arbeitsmarktpolitik für eine nachhaltige Arbeitsgesellschaft); Bamberg (Germany); 12-06-2024.

Hufnagl, J.: "Education for sustainable development in the corporate context"; Journée d'?tude; Amiens (France); 5.06.2024.

Hufnagl, J.: "Nachhaltigkeit in der Berufsbildung" (Sustainability in VET); PROM3THEUS-Tagung (Die Bedeutung von Theorie für die Empirische Bildungsforschung); Frankfurt am Main (Germany); 04-03-2024.

Hufnagl, J.: "Sustainability meets VET – Transformation in Education"; Winter School 2023 der Sektion Division for Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research (SIIVE) of the German Educational Research Association (GERA/DGfE); Frankfurt (Germany); 30-11-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "National Despite Global: Perspectives of Country Comparisons on Transformative Education for Sustainable Development"; Research Network of the University of Bamberg; Bamberg (Germany); 23-11-2023.

Hufnagl, J., Costa, J. & Annen, S.: "Overcoming the Limitations of Quantitative (Large-Scale-) Research: Discrimination in Transition to VET"; International Conference Mixed Methods Research in Education; Hannover (Germany); 16-11-2023.

Hufnagl, J. & Annen, S.: "Corporate Education for a Sustainable Future - Vocational Competencies in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)"; Annual Conference of the DGfE Section Adult Education 2023 (Adult Education and Sustainability); Munich (Germany); 11-09-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Education for Sustainable Development in Companies"; Annual Conference 2023 of the Vocational and Business Education Section of the German Society for Educational Science (Freedom - Vocational Education - Responsibility) (Young Researcher); Flensburg (Germany); 06-09-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceptions of Discrimination by Migrants in Transition to VET - Differences by Origin Group and Gender"; The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER); Glasgow (UK); 25-08-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Global Learning in the Workplace - Companies' Response to Globalization"; EERA Emerging Researchers' Conference (ERC); Glasgow (UK); 22-08-2023.

Annen, S., Hufnagl, J., Murdoch, J., & Joseph, O.: "Returns to Education focusing on ICT skills - Empirical Results beyond pay Inequality"; 15th International Conference & 75th Anniversary of the JVET Journal; Oxford (UK); 15-07-2023.

Hufnagl, J., & Larsen, Y.: "Transformative Skills for Sustainability - Interdisciplinary Professionalization for a Sustainable Economy", Conference Interdisciplinary Teaching for Sustainable Development; Nuremberg (Germany); 15-06-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Gender Dynamics and Discrimination among Migrant Youth in the Vocational Training Market", Student Night of Gender Sensitive Research; Bamberg (Germany); 22-05-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceptions of Discrimination in the Transition to Vocational Education and Training from an Intersectional Perspective - An Exploration of the Limits of Quantitative Research", BIBB Colloquium; Bonn (Germany); 17-05-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Demands on Vocational Education Personnel as "Global Citizens" - Global Citizenship Education from a Business Education Perspective", 10th GEBF Conference (Young Scientists Conference) (Education between Uncertainty and Evidence); Essen (Germany); 27-02-2023.

Annen, S., St Denis, X., & Hufnagl, J.: "Family background and exits from overqualification in the UK and Germany", 7th International NEPS Conference; online; 06-12-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Perceived discrimination in transition to VET - an intersectional approach", 7th International NEPS Conference; online; 05-12-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific differences in discrimination perceptions of migrant youth in access to VET", World Education Leadership Symposium (WELS) (School and Leadership between Revolution, Tradition and Exhaustion); online; 29-09-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific Differences in Discrimination Perceptions of Adolescents with Migration Backgrounds in Access to Vocational Training", ?FEB Pre-Conference (Educational Research in and for Times of Change); Graz (Austria); 20-09-2022.

Hufnagl, J.: "Origin-specific differences in the perception of discrimination of young people with a migration background in access to vocational training", Junior Researcher and Networking Day "Teacher education research" of the Universities of Augsburg, Bamberg and Regensburg (Professionalism in dealing with digitalisation and heterogeneity); Bamberg (Germany); 15-07-2022.

Poster Contributions

Hufnagl, J. & Haslinger, J.: "Mangel an Ideen? Design Thinking für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Berufsbildung" (Lack of ideas? Design thinking for more sustainability in vocational training); Berufsbildungsforschungskonferenz (BBFK) (Berufsbildung in Zeiten des Mangels - Handlungserfordernisse neu denken); Innsbruck (?sterreich); 3-07-2024.

Hochmuth, M. & Hufnagl, J.: "Transition from School to Apprenticeship: The Role of Perceived Discrimination"; 8th International NEPS Conference; Bamberg (Germany); 9 & 10-11-2023.

Annen, S., Hufnagl, J., Murdoch, J., Joseph, O., & Schubert, P.: "ICT Skills and Labour Market Success: A Comparative Study of German and French Labour Markets"; 8th International NEPS Conference; Bamberg (Germany); 9 & 10-11-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: "Diskriminierungserfahrungen von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Ausbildungsplatzsuche" (Experiences of discrimination by young people with a migration background when looking for an apprenticeship), Jahrestagung 2023 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (Freiheit - Berufsbildung - Verantwortung); Flensburg (Germany); 07-09-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: ?Differences in Ethnic Perceptions of Discrimination in the Transition to Education: An Intersectional Perspective by Groups of Origin and Gender", 10th GEBF Conference (Main Conference) (Education between Uncertainty and Evidence); Essen (Germany); 28-02-2023.

Hufnagl, J.: ?Differences in Ethnic Perceptions of Discrimination in the Transition to Education: An Intersectional Perspective by Group of Origin and Gender“,  Founding Day Network for Gender-Sensitive Research (GENIAL research. Utilising GEnder poteNcIALs - changing society); Bamberg (Germany); 14-12-2022.


Sailer-Frank, S., Hochmuth, M., Hufnagl, J., & Schubert, P.: "Telling the Future – Verankerung von Futuretrends im Lehramtsstudium" (Anchoring future trends in teacher training programs); University:Future Festival; online; 6-06-2024.

Scharfenberg, J., Hufnagl, J., Kroner, A., & Spiekenheuer, M.: "Migration und Bildung in der globalisierten Welt – Neue Perspektiven, Herausforderungen & Chancen für Lehrkr?fte" (Workshop) (Migration and Education in a Globalized World - New Perspectives, Challenges & Opportunities for Teachers); Forum Leadership in der Lehrkr?ftebildung; Berlin (Germany); 29-02-2024.



HS: Professionalisierung von Bildungspersonal - Termin A
3,00 SWS
Silvia Annen , Julia Hufnagl

Winter Semester 2023/2024

  • Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)
  • Research Questions in Business Education

Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)

Summer Semester 2023

  • Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)
  • Research Methods in Business Education (Courses A and B)

Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)

Winter Semester 2022/2023

  • Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)

Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)

Summer Semester 2022

  • Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (Courses A and B)
  • Management of Educational Processes (Course C)

Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)


Academic Backround

2022 – today

PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER

  • Research stays at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (April - October 2024)
  • Research stay at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, Canada (August 2024)
  • Job shadowing at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (October 2022)

2023 – 2024

Adult Education Academy (elective studies) "International and comparative studies in adult education and lifelong learning" at the University of Würzburg

2020 – 2022

Business Education (Minor: English) (M. Sc.) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Semester Abroad at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, AUT

2016 – 2020

Business and Human Resource Education (Minor: English) (B. A.) at the Georg-August University G?ttingen, GER, Additional qualification ?Interculturality and Multilingualism / German as a Second and Foreign Language“

2014 – 2015

Business Management (elective studies) at Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon, WA, USA (under the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for young professionals)

Professional Background

2022 – today

Research Associate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER

2024 – today

Research Associate at the Chair of Adult Education and Further Education (Prof. Dr. Erik Haberzeth) at the Institute of Education at Chemnitz University of Technology, GER

2021 – 2022

Student Research Assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi), Bamberg, GER

2021 – 2022

Student Assistant at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Nicole Kimmelmann) at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, GER

2021 – 2021

Student Assistant at the Chair of Sociology, especially Social Structural Analysis (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Kristen) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, GER

2017 – 2020

Student Assistant at the Chair of Production and Logistics (Prof. Dr. Matthias Klumpp) and at the Chairs of Statistics and Econometrics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib) at the Georg-August University of G?ttingen, GER

2019 – 2019

Intern at the Chair of German Language and Culture (Prof. Dr. P.L.M. Paul Sars) at Radboud University Nijmegen, NL

2015 – 2015

Member of the Student Life Team at Skagit Valley College, Mt. Vernon, WA, USA

2014 – 2014

Service employee at Sparkasse Aichach-Schrobenhausen, GER

2011 – 2014

Vocational Training as a Bank Clerk at Sparkasse Aichach-Schrobenhausen, GER

Awards, Scholarships und Prizes

Review activities (current and past)

For journals and edited volumes

For conferences, professional societies and organizations

Organization of conferences


  • Deputy Representative for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration (since 2023)
  • Member of the Board of PPP Alumni e.V. (since 2020)
  • Teamer for intercultural trainings (Cultural Vistas / GIZ) (since 2020)
  • Student Representation in the Accreditation Process of the Master's Program in Business Education, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (2022)
  • Member of the Quality Circle of the Master's Degree Program in Business Education, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (2020 - 2022)
  • Teaching Support at a Vocational School in the "Sprachf?rderprojekt für Geflüchtete" at the Professorship of Business Education, Georg-August University G?ttingen (2019 - 2020)
  • Participation in the INTERREG Project "Nachbarsprache & buurcultuur" at the Chair of German Language and Culture, in particular German Studies, Radboud University of Nijmegen (Netherlands) (2019)


Research networks

Alumni networks

  • sdw Alumni e.V. (for former Scholarship Holders of the Klaus Murmann Study Foundation of the Foundation of German Business)
  • PPP Alumni e.V. (for former Participants of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) for young professionals)
  • FAU Alumni Network (for Alumni and Friends of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
  • alumni UNI graz (for Alumni and Friends of the Karl-Franzens University Graz)