Melanie Hochmuth, M.A.

Educational trajectories and educational decisions.
Transitions, especially from school to vocational training.
Prevention of vocational training drop-outs.
Vocational training satisfaction and quality.
Discrimination processes in vocational training.
Working Title:
Die Rolle von Schulpraktika in der Sekundarstufe I für den ?bergang in die Berufsausbildung
Dissertation Projects of the Professorship of Business Education - Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen
Hochmuth, M. (2023). Das Schulpraktikum als Erfolgsfaktor für einen realisierten ?bergang in die Berufsausbildung (The school internship as a success factor for a successful transition into vocational training). Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis (BWP), H.2.
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., & Frey, A. (2022). Challenges of the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity for sustainable digital learning in vocational education and training (vet). Sustainability, 14(13), 7692. DOI:
Hochmuth, M., Ge?ler, A. N., Seyffer, S., & Frey, A. (2022). How are apprentice satisfaction and concerns changing as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic? Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 5(1), 100258. DOI:
Hochmuth, M., Ge?ler, A. N., Seyffer, S., & Frey, A. (2021). Challenges in the digitization of apprenticeships during the coronavirus pandemic: Who needs special assistance? Sustainability, 13(21), 11701. DOI:
Ertelt, B.?J., Frey, A., Hochmuth, M., Ruppert, J.?J., & Seyffer, S. (2021). Apprenticeships as a unique shaping field for the development of an individual future-oriented “vocationality”. Sustainability, 13(4), 2279. DOI:
Conference Presentations
Hochmuth, M. & Hufnagl, J. Transition from School to Apprenticeship: The Role of Perceived Discrimination. NEPS Conference 2023, Bamberg, 09.11.2022. URL:
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M. Gelingensfaktoren für einen erfolgreichen Start in die duale Berufsausbildung aus der Perspektive von Berufsberaterinnen und Berufsberatern (Success factors for a successful start to dual vocational training from the perspective of careers advisors). Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik. Flensburg, 07.09.2023. URL:
Hochmuth, M. Wie gut kennen Schüler/-innen die Anforderungen der Arbeitswelt? Differenzen zwischen den Einsch?tzungen von Schüler/-innen und Arbeitgeber/-innen (How well do students know the requirements of the world of work? Differences between the assessments of students and employers). Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftsp?dagogik. Flensburg, 06.09.2023. URL:
Hochmuth, M. The school internship as a key factor for a successful start into apprenticeship. NEPS Conference 2022, Bamberg, 05.12.2022. URL:
Hochmuth, M. Erfolgskriterien des Praktikums für den ?bergang in die Berufsausbildung. Deutscher Verband für Bildungs- und Berufsberatung (Success criteria of the internship for the transition to vocational training. German Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance). dvb Conference. Oldenburg, 15.09.2022. URL:
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., & Ulrich, A. Challenges of the Coronavirus Pandemic as an Opportunity for Sustainable Digital Learning in VET. EARLI SIG14 Conference, Paderborn, 19.08.2022. URL:
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., & Ulrich, A. Apprenticeship during the Coronavirus Pandemic - an Exploratory Study from Southern Germany. EARLI SIG14 Konferenz, Paderborn, 18.08.2022. URL:
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., & Ge?ler, A. N., Ulrich, A. (February 4, 2022, symposium). Transferable Competences as a Success Factor in Apprenticeship. Swiss Federal University For Vocational Education And Training. 7th International VET Congress. Bern, 04.02.2022. URL:
Seyffer, S., Hochmuth, M., & Ge?ler, A. N. (October 20, 2021). Successful Start of Training during the Pandemic Period. Satisfaction and Worries (paper-session). International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance. 44th IAEVG International Conference. Riga, 20.10.2021. URL:
Hochmuth, M. Das Berufsorientierungsverhalten der Generation Z: Chancen und Herausforderungen für die Berufsberatung (The career orientation behavior of Generation Z: Opportunities and challenges for career guidance). Jugendberufsagentur. Potsdam, 15.09.2023.
Hochmuth, M. Transferable Competences for Prevention of Drop-Outs. Academia Netzwerktreffen. Schwerin, 28.03.2023.
- Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik - Termin A
- 2,00 SWS
- Melanie Hochmuth
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik - Termin A
- Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik - Termin B
- 2,00 SWS
- Melanie Hochmuth
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung Forschungsmethoden der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik - Termin B
- S: Steuerung von Bildungsprozessen - Termin A
- 2,00 SWS
- Melanie Hochmuth , Sabrina Sailer-Frank
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung S: Steuerung von Bildungsprozessen - Termin A
- S: Steuerung von Bildungsprozessen - Termin B
- 2,00 SWS
- Melanie Hochmuth , Sabrina Sailer-Frank
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung S: Steuerung von Bildungsprozessen - Termin B
- Forschungsfragen der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik
- 3,00 SWS
- Melanie Hochmuth
- Details in UnivISzur Lehrveranstaltung Forschungsfragen der Wirtschaftsp?dagogik
Summer Semester 2024
- Research Questions in Business Education (seminar)
- Research Methods in Business Education (practice, courses A, B and C)
- Professionalization of Vocational Education Personnel (seminar, courses A and B)
Link to the lectures on UniVIS (only in German)
Academic Backround
2023 – today
PhD Candidate at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER
2019 – 2022
Integrative Social Sciences, specializing in Economics, Organization and Society (M.A.) at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, GER
2016 – 2019
Integrative Social Sciences, specializing in Sociology (B.A.) at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, GER
Professional Backround
2024 – today
Doctoral Research Fellow at the Professorship of Business Education (Prof. Dr. Silvia Annen) at the University of Bamberg, GER
2022 – 2023
Research assistant in the "Erfolgreicher Start in die Ausbildung (EStarA)" (Successful start to vocational education) project at the University of Applied Sciences of the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" in Mannheim, GER
2020 – 2022
Working Student in the "Erfolgreicher Start in die Ausbildung (EStarA)" (Successful start to vocational education) project at the University of Applied Sciences of the "Bundesagentur für Arbeit" in Mannheim, GER
2019 – 2020
Student Assistant at the Chair of Sociology (Prof. Dr. Best, Dr. Ingmar Rapp) and Empirical Social Research (Dr. Dannwolf) at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, GER
2018 – 2018
Student Assistant for the ELFE study at the ifo Institute Munich, GER
2018 – 2018
Interviewer for the ELFE study at the University of Mainz, GER