Kristina Hausladen


Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg

Lehrstuhl für Frühkindliche Bildung und Erziehung

96045 Bamberg

Adress: Luisenstra?e 5, LS5 / 01.01


Telephone: (+49)-(0)951/863-2789

Research Interests

  • Social inequality in the education system
  • Quantitative methods of empirical social research
  • Qualitative methods of empirical social research
  • Quality and quality development in Early Childhood Education and Care institutions


  • since 11/2021: Research Assistant at the Chair of Early Childhood Education, University of Bamberg
  • 05/2020 – 10/2021: Student Research Sssistant and Research Intern at the University of Bamberg, Project: KiQuTG–Wirksamkeitsevaluation
  • 10/2019 – 11/2021: Double Masters Degree in Sociology and Social Research (M.A.) at the University of Bamberg / Università degli Studi di Trento (Italy)
  • 08/2017 – 05/2018: Study Abroad during the Bachelors Degree, Muskingum University, Ohio, USA
  • 10/2015 – 06/2019: Bachelors Degree in European Studies (B.A.), University of Passau



  • R?nnau-B?se, M., Anders, Y., Fr?hlich-Gildhoff, K., Blaurock, S., Burghardt, L., Hausladen, K., Limberger, J., Lorenzen, A., Pasquale, D., Pult, G., Oppermann, E. & Wolf, K. (2023). Abschlussbericht der Evaluationsstudie zur Wirksamkeit des Gesetzes zur Weiterentwicklung der Qualit?t und zur Verbesserung der Teilhabe in Tageseinrichtungen und in der Kindertagespflege (KiQuTG). In BMFSFJ (Hrsg.), Zweiter Bericht der Bundesregierung zur Evaluation des Gesetzes zur Weiterentwicklung der Qualit?t und zur Verbesserung der Teilhabe in Tageseinrichtungen und in der Kindertagespflege (KiQuTG) (263 – 447). Berlin: BMFSFJ. Verfügbar unter:


  • Hausladen, K. (2021). Preschool Quality and the Educational Success of Children with Migration Backgrounds. Evidence from Germany (Unver?ffentlichte Masterarbeit). Università degli Studi di Trento / Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg.

Presentations and Posters


  • Hausladen, K., Wolf K. & Anders, Y. (2023). The Relationship between the Educator-Child-Ratio and Pedagogical Quality in ECEC Explained: A Meta-Analysis. Poster Presentation at the 20.Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-26.August 2023.


  • Anders, Y., Blaurock, S.,Hausladen, K. & Wolf, K. (2022). Raising the pedagogical quality of ECEC in a heterogeneous and decentralized system: The case of Germany. Presentation at the ‘Special Interest Group 5’ (Early Childhood and Development) of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands, 11-14. July 2022.

Teaching Activities

  • Winter semester 23/24: Research and Research Methods of Early Childhood Education (Master), Universit of Bamberg
  • Summer semester 2023: Learning Environments in Early Childhood Education: Early Support for Disadvantaged Children: The Role of Pedagogical Quality in Child Care Centers (Master), Universit of Bamberg
  • Winter semester 2022/23: Learning Environments in Early Childhood Education: Pedagogical Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions: What is the Preschool Able to Provide? (Bachelor), Universit of Bamberg