P. Bellendorf/ R. Tenschert

Save the date - Final event of the DFG project ?MatGlas“ 25.01.-26.01.2024

On 25 and 26.01.2024 the final event of the DFG project "MatGlas: Materiality and Authenticity of Glass and Glass Construction in High Modernism Building" will take place in Bamberg.

The project deals with the materiality and authenticity of glass and glass construction in the building industry of the high modern age (ca. 1880-1970) within the framework of the priority program 2255 "Cultural Heritage Construction". The Institute of Building Construction of the TU Dresden and the Chair of Materials and Preservation Scienc at the KDWT of the University of Bamberg are jointly working on an inventory and analysis of material and construction.

The project results will be presented and supplemented by reports from the field.

Start: Thursday 25.01.2014, 13:00 p.m.

End: Friday 26.01.2024, 12:00 p.m.

Location: Former Dominican Library Bamberg (Kasernstra?e 4, 96049 Bamberg).

Further information, program and the possibility to register will follow from the end of November 2023.

Contact: matglas.kdwt@uni-bamberg.de

Kind regards

The MatGlas Team