Business Process Standardisation
Research Topics
- Development of a procedure model for successful and sustainable business process standardization
- Development of a governance model for ensuring business process standardization
- Determining of the influence of standardized processes on process and business performance
- Analysis of the influence of business process standardization on business process outsourcing
- Analysis of risk minimization and better governance of outsourcing relationships due to business process standardization

Since 2011 we closely collaborate with Lufthansa Technik AG. We developed collaboratively a procedure model and a governance model for successful and sustainable business process standardization.

To transfer the know-how generated from the collaboration of research and practice and to identify best practices, regular best practices workshops have been held in the context of Process Management Alliance since 2011. Various companies from different industries have taken part in these workshops to learn from each other’s experiences. The results of the workshops have been presented on a yearly conference since 2012.
Further Information
- Process Management Alliance (
- A list of our publications related to business process standardization can be found here.