University IT-Service
(previously Computing Centre)
To find the IT-Service
Address and Visiting Directions

The University of Bamberg IT-Service is your service partner in all matters of information technology dealing with studies, teaching, research and organisation.
Visiting Directions (German) | Opening Hours | The complete IT-Service team...
(in German)
Your first source of information at the IT-Service: IT-Support

Mon. - Thu. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri. 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Telephone: +49 951 863-1333
Email: it-support(at)
Shortcuts to the most important IT services ...
Please note that most of the following links redirect to pages in German.
... for Students
- User account (BA number)
- Email [Office 365]
- (@stud.uni-bam...)
- Wireless Internet
- Virtual Campus (VC)
- Computer Labs
- File Server (network drive)
- Printing, Copying, Sanning
- Computer Courses for Students
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Special Conditions
- Flyer "Student IT Services"(610.3 KB, 2 pages)
- First-year First Aid(809.4 KB, 2 pages)
... for Staff
- User Account (BA number)
- Email [Exchange]
- (
- Procuring, Setting Up
- and Maintaining
- Computer Workstations
- File Server (network drive)
- Wireless Internet
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Printing, Copying, Scanning
- Virtual Campus (VC)
- Technology for hybrid or online Teaching and Meeting
- Course Evaluations
- Special Conditions
- Brochure "Staff IT Services"(1.0 MB, 31 pages)