Book array
The entire holdings of the University Library are listed in the Online Catalogue. There, you will also find the shelfmark according to which the items are arrayed.

A large number of books are accessible on open shelves in the branch libraries and can be borrowed.
All books whose location code ends with -1, i.e. 11, 21, 31, 41, 51 and 61, can be borrowed normally. These books have a blue or white tag on the spine.
Books with a location code ending with -5, i.e. 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65, can be borrowed for 6 opening days. These books have a red tag on the spine.
Open access holdings also include the student library (location code 02) and the library administration literatue (location code 07), which are shelves in branch library 3, as well as the open stacks in branch library 4 (location code 40FM) and branch library 5 (location code 50FM).

The reference collection (local identifier ending in -5; red label on the spine) marked "nicht entleihbar" may only be used in the rooms of the library. In addition to basic reference works, loose-leaf editions and periodicals, this also includes source works and text editions as well as frequently used study and research literature.
Course reserves (= "Semesterapparate") are compiled according to the wishes of the lecturers for individual courses. They are located in the reading room of the respective branch library and are arranged according to the last name of the lecturer.
Literature from the course reserves can only be used in the rooms of the library.
A list of all course reserves can be found in the Bamberg Catalogue under the tab "Additional Services". Click on the title of the course reserve to get a list of the included items.
Our explanatory film offers you an introduction to this topic.
Informationen for teaching staff
- In the times between terms, you will receive all information on setting up course reserves from your branch library
- Since 2019, digital media from the Bamberg Catalogue can also be included in the course reserves.
- For copyright reasons, it is unfortunately not possible to add hard copy folders with copy templates to course reserves (letter from the Ministry of Science dated 07.04.2008). Therefore, please provide the corresponding materials exclusively in electronic form on the Virtual Campus. The university library offers a digitisation service for this purpose.

There is a textbook collection in every branch library (location code ends with -3: 13, 23, 33, 43, 53, 63; yellow label on the spine). You will find study literature in high demand (introductions, textbooks, manuals) in multiple copies here.
Books from the textbook collection can be borrowed as normal.

Not all books are openly accessible: many books, especially older editions, are kept in closed stacks to which only library staff have access.
You can order literature from the closed stacks to your branch library via the Bamberg Catalogue. Almost all of the holdings in the closed stacks can be borrowed without restrictions. Volumes of bound periodicals can be borrowed from the stacks for one week.
You can recognise items from the stacks by the call number with the location code ending in -0.
In addition to a wide range of e-journals, the University Library also offers printed journals. The issues of the current year are available in the branch libraries in flap cabinets and can only be used on site. If a journal is also available online, a QR code in branch libraries 3 and 5 indicates the online edition.
The complete volumes of the journals are bound during which they are not available for about two months. Frequently requested titles are bound within two weeks if possible.
The bound volumes are located in a separate section of the open shelves or in the stacks (older volumes can be ordered via the Bamberg Catalogue).
Classification | Subjects | Location |
AN | Journals on Book Industry and Library Science | TB 3 |
AZ | General Journals; Journals on Education, Philosophy of Science, Environmental Issues | TB 3 |
BZ | Protestant Theology and Religious Education (see also ZT) | TB 1 |
CA | Philosophical Journals | TB 1 |
CZ | Psychological Journals | TB 2 |
DZ | Journals on Pedagogy and Special Education | TB 2 |
LD | Journals on Music and Art Education | ERBA |
MA | Policitcal Science Journals | TB 3 |
MZ | Sociological Journals | TB 3 |
PA - PU | Law Journals and Adjudgement Collections | TB 3 |
QA | Economic Journals | TB 3 |
SA | Journals on the Didactics of Mathematics | TB 2 |
SQ | Journals on Business Information Systems | ERBA |
TA | Journals on the Didactics of Science | TB 2 |
ZG | Geographical Journals | TB 5 |
ZH | Historical, Ethnological and Archaeological Journals | TB 5 |
ZK | Journals on Classical Philology | TB 4 |
ZO | Journals on Oriental Studies | TB 4 |
ZP | Journals on German, English and Interdisciplinary Language and Literature Studies; including Journals on Communication Studies | TB 4 und ERBA |
ZR | Journals on Romance Studies | TB 4 |
ZS | Journals on Slavic Studies | TB 4 |
ZT | Journals on Catholic Theology and Religious Education | TB 1 |
ZU | Art History Journals | TB 5 |
ZX | Journals on Sports Education | TB 3 |
The current issues of German and international daily and weekly newspapers are available in our branch libraries. As a general rule, they are kept in the newspaper racks or on shelves for 2 to 4 weeks.
Online Access
Many current newspaper issues and newspaper archives are also available online - either individually through the publisher or in newspaper databases such as Nexis or WISO. You can find an overview of the newspapers that can be accessed online in our Database Information System DBIS.
Title | available at |
Bayerische Staatszeitung und Bayerischer Staatsanzeiger | TB 3 |
Fr?nkischer Tag | TB 3 |
Frankfurter Allgemeine | TB 3 |
Horizont | TB 3, 4 |
Oberfr?nkischer Wirtschaft | TB 3 |
Das Parlament | TB 3, 4 |
Süddeutsche Zeitung | TB 3, 4 |
Die Zeit | TB 3 |
Department reference collections contain books and media that belong to the holdings of the respective branch library but are permanently shelved at individual chairs or teaching and research institutions. Please contact the respective chair or institution directly if you need a medium from a reference collection.
You can find a list of all department reference collections here. You can recognise department reference works by the three-digit local identifier in the shelfmark.

DVDs, CD-ROMs, maps, test binders... in addition to books, the University Library Bamberg also offers various other media. Most of them are kept in special locations that are not openly accessible (location codes ending in -8: 18, 28, 38, 48, 58) and can be ordered via the Bamberg Catalogue. You may find information on the respective loan period there as well.
In branch library 4 and in the ERBA library you may find some media in the open access area (local identifier ending in -7: 47, 67) that can be borrowed with the usual conditions.

You can borrow games in branch library 4 (location code 042) for one week.