The ORCID iD is an internationally common ID for scientists. It connects publications, research data and other products of the research process to their respective authors, even after name changes and with different name variances.



ORCID? is managed by a non-profit organization and the ORCID iD used by many publishers, stakeholders and database providers for author identification. With almost eight million IDs ORCID has become a de facto standard; some publishers already make it mandatory to state an ORCID iD.

The Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg is also a member of the ORCID community since 2019 and supports the utilization of ORCID iDs, for example in the Research Information System (FIS) or in the open access journals from the University of Bamberg Press. Within the University, the university library is responsible for all questions concerning ORCID.



  • Your publications will be distinctively attributed to you: Even in the case of name changes, name variances and variant spelling, you will be easily recognizable. Even publications outside of international data bases like Web of Science or Scopus can be clearly attributed to you.
  • You only have to put in your data once: Not only universities, but also many publishers and funders are using ORCID now. You will not have to enter your publication data anew each time, just your ORCID iD will suffice – if you granted the respective rights. The meta data of your publications will be automatically transferred to other systems, for example to the Research Information System of the University Bamberg (=FIS).
  • Your bibliography is always up to date: Through connecting different data sources (trusted parties) with ORCID your bilbliography will always be up to date.
  • You can continue using your data: The data saved in your ORCID profile can be used even after changing your employer or your field of research.


The University Executive Board asks every researcher to create an ORCID iD and connect their publications to it. The board recommends to researchers to name the University Library Bamberg as “trusted party” in their ORCID profile and to authorize the University Library to make adjustments to university affiliation, university description and the attribution of publications in the ORCID profiles.

Please procede as follows:

  • Create an ORCID iD.
  • Record all possible variants in spelling of your name (e.g. birth name, additional first or middle names, transliterated umlauts).
  • Please use the standardized university affiliationOtto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg”.
  • Always state your ORCID iD in publications or project proposals.
  • Connect your ORCID to your profile in the research information system (FIS) and activate the synchronisation between FIS and ORCID. This allows for your ORCID iD to show up in FIS and for you to be able to automatically transfer your publications from your FIS profile to your ORCID entry.
  • Add CrossRef and DataCite as well as the open access search engine BASE to your ORCID settings as “trusted parties” (guide). With this it is possible to automatically transfer bibliographical data from these sources into your ORCID profile and into your FIS profile.
  • Name your ORCID iD in your profile, on your own websites and in your email-signature as well. This makes it easier for others to search for your publications and increases the visibility of your research.

ORCID in the Research Information System (FIS)

The Research Information System (FIS) of the University of Bamberg uses ORCID as a distinct identifier for individuals. We suggest that you connect your ORCID iD with your FIS profile and activate the automatic synchronisation between FIS and ORCID.

After a successful connection, the ORID-Icon  will be displayed in your profile and in several other places in FIS, for example in search result lists or on the synopsis site of individual publications. If you have not connected your ORCID iD with FIS yet, the green iD-Icon will not show.

If you activate synchronisation between FIS and ORCID, new publications from FIS will automatically be transferred to your ORCID entry. In addition, the University of Bamberg can confirm your institutional affiliation in your ORCID entry.



When connecting to ORCID, you will be asked to grant FIS the following authorisations:

  • Read limited access information: Allow the University of Bamberg to transfer the data that is set to be visible for everyone or just to trusted parties from your ORCID record into FIS. We require this authorisation in order to  carry over information about new publications into FIS.
  • Add or update biographical information: Allow the University of Bamberg to add or update your biographical data in your ORCID record. We require this authorisation to add new publications and a standardized university affiliation (Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg”) to your ORCID record.
  • Add or update research activities: Allow the University of Bamberg to add or update research activity in your ORCID record.

You can revoke these authorisations at any time in your ORCID settings (“account settings” on the top right corner of your ORCID dashboard under your name after signing in).


ORCID-Login via ba-Nummer

If you entered your @uni-bamberg.de mail address in your ORCID account, you can login to ORCID through Shibboleth with your university login data (ba-number and password) – even if your university mail address is set to “not public” in your ORCID account. To do this, please select “Institutional Account” on the ORCID login page. This works regardless if you connected your ORCID iD with FIS.



Should you have any further questions regarding ORCID, please contact Barbara Ziegler.

The German text and the English translation of this page (not the graphics) are .