Online tutorials at the University Library

You may use our online tutorials anytime and anywhere, for example, you can learn about finding books and articles, how to successfully search the databases that are relevant for your course work, how to use interlibrary loan, and how to organize references and knowledge.

Online Catalogue Tutorial
Are you looking for a print book or an e-book? Would you like to renew a loan or do you need to search out literature on a specific topic?
Our tutorial about the "Bamberger Katalog" (Online Catalogue) will answer all of your questions about the basics of literature research.

Interlibrary Loan Tutorial
You are looking for something, but it is not available in the Online Catalogue? Find out how to access books or essays in journals in other libraries.

Database Tutorial
Click here for quick guides about the databases that are most frequently used for your subject, including the most important features and search options.

Tutorial about Reference Management with Zotero
In this tutorial you will learn how Zotero can help you manage your study resources and how to create a list of references automatically.

Internet Research Tutorial
“I can never find what I need on the internet!” Sounds familiar? This tutorial will show you how you can use the internet, search machines, and subject-specific resources efficiently and effectively in your academic work.

Thematic Literature Research Tutorial
Listen to Stefan and Sofia, both students, and find out how to find resources, using the correct retrieval strategy.

Tutorial about proper citation and avoiding plagiarism
Plagiarism is the talk of the town. It’s not just being discussed in newspapers, either! The discussion is on in universities as well. But what is plagiarism and what’s behind it? What has it got to do with writing a scientific paper? The first part of this tutorial provides an answer to these questions. The second part shows different citation standards and gives an example of how to cite resources well.
If you have questions, please contact our staff in our branch libraries.

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