Resarch Information System (FIS)

The goal of the Research Information System (FIS) is to make the diverse research acitivites and research results of the University of Bamberg visible. Members of the university are able to enter publications, projects and academic awards into the Research Information System and - if legally possible - upload full texts of their publications. The Department of Research Funding & Transfer (Z/FFT) as well as the IT-Service and the University Library are involved in the research information system as cooperation partners.

By signing the Barcelona Declaration, the University is emphasising its commitment to open and transparent research. It is committed to ensuring that research information is freely accessible, ensures the sustainability of the systems used and supports the transformation to open research information.
More about the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information at:

Institutional repository

The FIS serves as the institutional repository of the University of Bamberg, where academic publications and research data are published Open Access. Members of the University of Bamberg can publish academic documents (e.g. books, essays, congress reports, publication series, dissertationen, theses...). All publications from the University of Bamberg Press can also be found in the FIS.

University Bibliography

Since 1981, the university library has been recording the publications of researchers at the University of Bamberg as completely as possible in the university bibliography. It was initially published in print, later on the publication server OPUS and has since been integratedinto the Research Information System. You may find more information on the university bibliography and the inclusion criteria for publications here.

Copyright Law and Contracts

When publishing in the FIS, copyright conditions must be observed. We have compiled important information for you here.

Lists of publications, research data, projects, and awards

You can integrate lists of publications, research data, projects, and awards from the research information system into the websites of your institution (chair, faculty...) (instructions). You can choose from over 9,000 citation styles for the display of publication and research data lists.

Support and Assistance

The University Library regularly offers introductory courses on the FIS. We have also compiled an FAQ about the Research Information System.

If you have any further questions about FIS, please feel free to contact us by e-mail or schedule a personal consultation.