Integrating lists of publications, projects and awards

You can integrate lists ofpublications,research, data, projects, and awards from the Research Information System into the website of your institution (chair, faculty...). You can choose from over 9,000 citation styles for the display of publication and research data lists.


Instructions for inserting publication, research data, project and award lists in Typo3

1) Add Plug-in

Create a new content element of the type "Publication" in Typo3.


2) General settings

Before creating the list, you can enter a heading for it and change the appearance of your list (width, background colour). For a compact display, please insert your lists within an Accordion plug-in (example).


3) Select contents of the list

In the tab "Eingabe von Daten", select what you want to display a list for. Please enter the ID from the respective profile page in the research information system (FIS), which you can find in the red permalink at the bottom of the page:

Please fill in only one of the fields. Some of the selection options differ between publication, research data, project, and award lists.

4) Choose citation style (only for publication and research data lists)

It is up to you to decide how the citations on your page should be formatted. You can choose from more than 9,000 citation styles described in Citation Style Language. Some styles use "ders." or "---" and are therefore less suitable for (personal) publication lists. Citation styles frequently used for publication lists are, for example:

NameCitation styleExample
apaAPA American Psychological Association (7th ed.)
chicago-note-bibliographyCMOS Chicago Manual of Style (Notes) (17th ed.)

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deutsche-sprache [Voreinstellung]Zeitschrift "Deutsche Sprache"
emerald-harvardEmerald - Harvard
feminist-theoryZeitschrift "Feminist Theory"
foerster-geisteswissenschaftZoteroSF: Zitierstil für die Geisteswissenschaft
leviathanZeitschrift "Leviathan"
springer-vs-author-dateSpringer VS (author-date, German)Beispiel für eine Literaturangabe im Zitationsstil "Springer VS author-date"


Please enter the name of the citation style in the Typo3 plugin, e.g. feminist-theory. You can find other styles in the Zotero Style Repository:

5) Sorting and filtering

Finally, you can sort and filter your list according to various criteria. For publication lists, a double sorting is preset: first by year of publication, then by author.

To group your bibliography by publication type or to display the lists of different chair members one after the other on the same page, please insert the plugin several times in a row with different queries.

Alternatively: Enter your individual criteria

For some purposes, the setting options in this form are not sufficient. Please contact us if you would like to create a list according to more complex criteria (e.g. filter multiple times, exclude individual persons from publication lists, etc.).