Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Research Information System


What is the FIS?

The FIS (German: Forschungsinformationssystem) is the research information system of the Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg. It helps you get a coherent overview of the diverse research activities and results from the entire range of subjects at Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t and its affiliated institutes

Das FIS beinhaltet Informationen zu publications, projects, research dara und awards of university members as well as university institutions. At the same time, it is the university bibliography for publications and research data as well as theinstitutional repository

Where can I find the full text/PDF file(s) for bibliographical reference?

If a FIS entry of a publication is marked as "Bibliography (No FIS full text/file(s))", we unfortunately do not have a full text and it cannot be ordered from us.

It is an entry in the university bibliography of the University Library Bamberg, the directory of publications of its university members. The entry merely proves the existence of the publication.

Please check in the catalogue of a (scientific) library accessible to you whether the publication is available there. If not, you can order it there via inter-library loan or via a document delivery service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the staff of this library.

How can I enter new publications, research data, projects and awards?

The FIS login is only available for members of the University of Bamberg. Please login with your ba-number and password. You can then enter new publications, research data, projects and awards from university members in the ?My FIS“ area.

You can also enter new publications and research data for colleagues, co-authors, co-editors and supervisors. Please check whether there is already an entry for this in the FIS.

Assisstants and student assistants need an employee ID, which can be applied for in the IAM-portal.

Contacts and Informational Events

Are there informational events about the FIS?

Yes, we regularly offer introductions into the FIS. Current dates and registration. (Please not, the introductions are in German)

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

For all questions, you can contact fis(at)

If you have any questions about publications and research data, the Research and Publication Services team at the University Library will be happy to help:

  • Schedule a consultation: Ask-a-librarian
  • 0951 863-1568 or 0951 863-1595 for publications
  • 0951 863-1536 for research data

If you have any questions about projects and awards, please contact Mr. Sch?ring from the Department of Research Funding and Transfer (0951 863-1228).

Login and "My FIS"

I cannot login.

Only employees of the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg and the vhb as well as doctoral students can create new entries in the research information system. If you want to make entries for a chair as a student assistant, you need an employee ID (in addition to your student ba-number).
If you do not yet have a university user account (ba-number), you can apply for one here.
If you already have a (non-student) ba number, please contact IT-support if you are unable to log in.
No login is required for research in the research information system.


Publications and Research data

Which publications can I enter?

You can only list permanently published documents with your metadata according to pre-defined criteria in FIS.

Such documents are, for example: journal articles, contributions to collective works, complete journal issues, congress publications, reports, preprints, discussion papers, working papers and reviews.

If the document is not permanently published according to these criteria, you can publish it permanently in the FIS, provided that the legal conditions are met (see also the Open Access Declaration of the University of Bamberg). (see also open access declaration of the University of Bamberg).

Here, you can find further information about publishing in the FIS.

Please only enter publications that are not yet listed in the FIS.

How can I enter metadata for research data and where can I get more information about research data?

Research data are as diverse as the research questions in the individual scientific disciplines. They can arise in the course of scientific projects, for example, through digitization, source research, experiments, measurements, surveys or interviews. Thus, for example, numerical data, interview data, audio and video recordings, texts, images and much more count as research data.

Please note that in FIS you can list only the metadata belonging to research data in the university bibliography. The publication of your actual data should take place in a suitable subject-specific repository or in a data journal. In addition, publication in the Bamberg Research Data Repository is possible.

You can list the metadata of your research data in the FIS if your data are permanently published and provided with a persistent identifier (admission criteria). To do this, select "Record research data" in the "My FIS" area.

You may find further information on the topic of research data here.

Do I have to enter everything myself when adding new publications/new research data?

No, you can transfer many essential details automatically via a DOI import. However, please check and complete that information directly in the form after the import.

For publications, you can import information from bibliographies in BibTeX/RIS format. In addition, you can search for publications of a certain person via ORCID iD and import information about these publications.

Please only enter information on publications and research data that are not yet listed in the FIS.

Can I enter multiple publications/research data into the FIS at the same time?

For publications, you can import the details of several entries from bibliographies in BibTeX/RIS format.You can also search for publications of a specific person via ORCID iD and import details of several publications.

These entries remain after the import and can be selected and processed one after the other. However, please check and complete the details of each entry directly in the form after the import.

Please only upload publications and research data that are not yet listed in FIS.

Why is my entry not activated immediately?

The institutional repository of the University of Bamberg and the university bibliography are both integrated in FIS. Both are the basis for the performance- and workload-oriented allocation or resources. The FIS team of the University Library must therefore check all entries, standardize and supplement them if necessary, and activate them when they are as complete and correct as possible.

As soon as your entry has been activated, you will be notified by e-mail - until then, you can find them in "My FIS" under "Completed entries (in process at the UB)".

How can I change my entry?

As long as you have not yet sent the entry in the FIS, changing it is possible without any problems. You can find it under "Entries for editing" in "My FIS". However, once the entries have been sent and checked and activated by the university library, you can no longer make any changes yourself.

Subsequent corrections of the metadata (e.g. title, persons, year) are possible in individual cases. To do so, use the "Question about this entry" function in the entry display or contact us directly.

As a general rule, the released and published full texts or file(s) cannot be changed or deleted anymore. This guarantees their authenticity and their citability. They are thus comparable to printed publications. However, additional new editions are possible.


Is it possible to add already published texts in the FIS as full texts?

We are very happy if you choose to make your publications publicly available vie the FIS and thus want to support the open access movement. In many cases, a so-called secondary publication is possible. However, some legal framework conditions must be observed. Therefore, we check all posted full texts and contact you in case of ambiguities before the file is released. You are also welcome to use our  secondary publication service to have the publications you have reported to the FIS checked for the possibilities of a secondary publication.

How can I publish my dissertation in the FIS?

You can publish your dissertation accepted at the University of Bamberg in FIS. Please inform yourself here about organizational, legal and technical issues.

You must be able to log in to the FIS. If you do not have a user account (ba-number) at the university, you can apply for one here.

If research data was collected as part of a dissertation, it should also be published. Publishing your research data increases the transparency and comprehensibility of your research results. The research data can be published, for example, as a supplement to the dissertation or as a stand-alone research data publication in a discipline-specific or institutional research data repository. Dissertation and associated research data are linked in FIS via the persistent identifiers.

How can I add conferences and conference papers to FIS?

If you want to show your participation and engagement in the context of a congress, conference or meeting in the FIS, you can enter them in your profile in the tab "Activities".

If permanently published conference contributions have been created in this context, they can be evidenced in the FIS in the university bibliography and, if legally possible, secondarily published in the FIS.

If the conference took place in Bamberg, conference contributions (posters, lectures, etc.) can also be listed in the FIS as an exception if the authors are not active at the University of Bamberg. The full texts are assigned to the conference in the FIS and can be found permanently via their DOI. Please contact us if you would like to use this service for your conference.


What does the assignment "entry 'during' or 'before' affiliation" to the University of Bamberg mean?

The FIS is intended to represent the research activities and results of the University of Bamberg as completely as possible. All publications in the FIS and the entries in the university bibliography are created during the person's time at the university. In the display of the entry they are marked by the university logo and "Originated at the University of Bamberg".

You can also enter publications/research data that originated before your time at the University of Bamberg. However, these publications are not used for the performance- and workload-oriented distribution of funds of funds. This allows you to integrate complete lists of publications/research data from the FIS into your web presence in Typo3, which will be updated automatically when new entries are made in the FIS.

Please specify the appropriate allocation in your entry.


Why should I link my FIS profile to ORCID?

ORCID is used to clearly assign publications and other research results to their authors, even in the case of name and employer changes. The ORCID iD is an internationally used identifier, which is now also required by many publishers and research funders. The link to the FIS makes it possible to automatically transfer publications into the research information system, thus saving you work. The university management also recommends all scientists to link their ORCID iD with the research information system. Read more about the advantages of ORCID here.


How do I do that?

You can link your ORCID iD to the research information system with a click in the menu "My FIS" - or set up a new ORCID iD first if you don't have one yet. For the linking you have to give the FIS certain permissions (why we need those permissions).

What does the green symbol next to a name mean?

The symbol means that this person has linked their FIS profile to their ORCID record.

Lists from the FIS in Typo3

Can I display bibliographies from FIS on a website at my institution?

Yes, you can integrate publication lists of individual people as well as entire organizational units (e.g. chair) into a web presence. You can choose from over 9,000 citation styles for display on the website.

Does this also work for projects and research data?

Yes - the only difference is that you cannot choose between different citation styles here.


How does the integration work in practice?

The bibliographies are integrated into Typo3 via a plugin. We are happy to support you with the configuration and integration of your blbliography.


How is a research project defined in the FIS?

A research project is a temporary scientific undertaking with the aim of achieving new findings in the respective discipline. Typically, a project has a duration of a few years.
It is not a description of the researcher's main research area.
You can present your research project in the FIS with the most important key data (title, duration, project participants, funding body, short abstract, keywords) and link to your project page on the university's website.


Does a research project have to be funded by a third party?

No, on the contrary. Other projects are also welcome. As long as the research project complies with the definition of a project, it can be entered into the FIS, e.g. FNK projects, symposia, conferences, conference proceedings, PhD projects, etc..

How can I edit projects?

Log in to "My FIS", choose the project you want to edit and click on the icon with the 3 dots at the top right. You have several options:

  • Edit: Change basic data of the project.
  • Assign research profile: Assign the project to the main research area and profile initiatives of the university.
  • Link publications/research data/awards
  • Delete project

Is it possible to link the research project to publications/research data/awards?

Yes, you can link publications/research data/awards to research projects in the FIS.

Log in to "My FIS", choose the project you want to link and click on the icon with the 3 dots at the top right. There you can link the project to the respective entities under 'Link publications/research data/awards'.

Is it possible to intergrate the projects into my web presence?

Yes, just as for publications, there is a plugin in Typo3 with which you can integrate project lists or individual projects into your website according to various criteria.

You can find more information here.

Copyright and Licences

Which legal aspects do I have to consider when publishing in FIS?

Please note the following:

  • The registered participating people transfer the non-exclusive and the permanent right of use of the digital document to Bamberg University Library for publication in FIS. The transfer does not conflict with any other rights of use.
  • The publication of the document as well as the text and/or images contained therein do not violate any rights of third parties. In case of doubt or if alleged or actual legal obstacles arise in this respect, the rights holders assure to inform Bamberg University Library immediately.
  • Bamberg University Library and the German National Library are permitted to store the document and the attached metadata, to make them publicly accessible in data networks and to convert them into other data formats.

You are welcome to contact the University Library at fis(at), Tel. 0951/863-1568, if you have any questions or if you are unsure about anything.)


Under which licenses can I publish publications and make them available for subsequent use?

As author, you can determine the conditions under which third parties may use your publication. For this purpose, you can issue an appropriate license, such as a Creative Commons license. You can find more information here.

Which licence applies to the metadata in the FIS?

The metadata from the research information system is freely available (CC 0) cc-zero except for the abstracts.

I would like to use metadata from the FIS. What possibilities are there?

We offer a REST-API for the FIS. Please contact fis(at) if you are interested. On the user interface, semantic markup in vocabulary as well as markup of highwire tags is done in the Head. We do not currently offer a Linked-Open-Data service.


Can I reuse this FAQ?

Yes, this text is free to use under (CC 0) cc-zero.