Contributions in collective volumes:

Proa?o, C.R. (2021), Die Rolle von beschr?nkt-rationalen Erwartungen für die Wirksamkeit der Geldpolitik bei der Nullzinsschranke, In: Kr?mer, H. & J. Schmidt (Hrgs.): Wirtschaftspolitische Beratung in der Krise. Metropolis-Verlag.

Fritsche, U. & C.R. Proa?o (2019), TheoretischeModellbildung und praktische Konjunkturprognose: Ein Spannungsfeld?, In: Dullien, S., Hagemann, H., Joebges, H., Logeay, C & K. Rietzler (Hrgs.): Makro?konomie im Dienste der Menschen. Festschrift in Ehren von Gustav Horn. Metropolis-Verlag.

Proa?o, C.R. & B. Lojak (2017), Macroeconomic Risk, Fiscal Policy Rules and Aggregate Volatility in Asymmetric Currency Union: A Behavioral Perspective.  In B?kemeier, B. & Greiner, A. (eds): Inequality and Finance in Macrodynamics. Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance Series. New York: Springer.

Charpe, M., Chiarella, C., Flaschel, P. & C.R. Proa?o (2016), Business Confidence and Macroeconomic Dynamics in a Non-linear Two-Country Framework with Aggregate Opinion Dynamics. In Bernard, L. & Nyambuu, U. (eds): Dyanmic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance. Essays in Honour of Willi Semmler. New York: Springer.

Semmler, W. & C.R. Proa?o (2015), Escape Routes from Sovereign Default in the Euro Area. In Barnett, W. & Jawadi, F. (eds): Monetary Policy in the Context of Financial Crisis: New Challenges and Lessons. Emerald Publishing.

Charpe, M., Flaschel, P., Proa?o, C.R. & W. Semmler (2014), Expectations, Firms’ Indebtedness and Business Fluctuations in a Structural Keynesian Monetary Growth Framework. In Dieci, R., He, T. & Hommes, C. (eds): Advances in Nonlinear Economic Dynamics and Quantitative Finance, Essays in Honour of Carl Chiarella. New York: Springer.

Chappe, R., Proa?o, C.R. & W. Semmler (2012), Seeking Alpha”: The Performance of Funds of Hedge Funds. In Gregoriou, G.N. (ed):  Reconsidering Funds of Hedge Funds: The Financial Crisis and Best Practices in UCITS, Tail Risk, Performance, and due Dilligence,Elsevier.

Franke, R.  Flaschel, P. & C.R. Proa?o (2008), Semi-structural Keynes-Goodwin modeling: Elaboration and calibration of a baseline theoretical framework. In Flaschel, P. & Landesmann, M. (eds): Mathematical Economics and the Dynamics of Capitalism. Goodwin’s Legacy Continued, Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy. New York: Routledge

Flaschel, P. & C.R. Proa?o (2007), AS-AD Disequilibrium Dynamics and Taylor Interest Rate Policy Rule: Euro Area-Based Estimation and Simulation. In Arestis, P., Hein, E. & Le Heron, E. (eds): Aspects of Modern Monetary and Macroeconomic Policies, New York: MacMillan.

Other contributions:

Proa?o, C.R., Pe?a, J.C. & T. Saalfeld (2020), Führt  ?konomische Ungleichheit zu verst?rkter politischer Polarisierung?, Jul. 9, 2020.

Proa?o, C.R. (2020), On the Macroeconomic and Social Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Latin America and the Developing World. Intereconomics – Review of European Economic Policy 55(3), 20-23, May-June.

Proa?o, C.R. & T. Theobald (2017), Macron and the European Financial Transaction Tax. Social Europe,, Aug. 11th.

Proa?o, C.R. (2017), Has Income Inequality Finally Come to Top of the IMF Agenda?. Social Europe,, Jan. 7th.

Proa?o, C.R. (2016), A Paradigm Change at the IMF? Development and Cooperation 2016-12, p. 24. D+C Development and Cooperation

Proa?o, C.R., (2014), Models as Tools, not Truths.In A. Eisenbarth & B. Weathers (Eds.)The New School Economic Review 6 (Jan.), 23-26.

Proa?o, C.R. (2014), Better Capital Controls, and Less Interest Rate Hikes, Are What EMs Need., Feb. 10th

Proa?o, C.R., Hartmann, F., Chiarella, C. & P. Flaschel (2013), The Volcker Rule is a Necessary, But Not a Sufficient Condition for Macrofinancial Stability., Dec. 23rd.

Schoder, C., Proa?o, C.R. & W. Semmler (2013), The Role of Financial Stress in the Sovereign Debt-Output Nexus, and in Economic Activity., Nov. 18th.

Proa?o, C.R. (2013), On the Potential Pitfalls of the EU Fiscal Pact: A Simulation Study of the International Dimension of Fiscal Austerity. In T. Ghilarducci and R. McGahey (Guest Eds.) Social Research: An International Quarterly, 80(3), New York: NY.

Schreiber, S., Theobald, T., Proa?o, C.R., Stephan, S., Rietzler, K. & D. Detzer (2011), Methods for Detecting Business Cycle Turning Points in Real Time. Which Indicators Deliver Accurate Early Signals? IMK Studies, Nr. 27 – Expertise for the German Federal Ministry of Finance, Project IA3–09/10 (in German).

Schoder, C., Proa?o, C.R. & W. Semmler (2011), The Euro and the Sustainability of Current Account Imbalances, Aug. 24th.

Proa?o, C.R. & L. de Carvalho (2011), Cutting Spending Now is the Wrong Strategy for Reducing the Fiscal Deficit, Blog post, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, New York.

De Carvalho, L. Proa?o, C.R. & L. Taylor (2010), Government Debt, Deficits and Economic Growth: Lessons from Fiscal Arithmetic, Policy Note, Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, New York.

Horn, G.A., Niechoj, T.,  Joebges, H., Proa?o, C.R.,  Truger, A., Sturn, S. & T. van Treeck (2009), Von der Finanzkrise zur Weltwirtschaftskrise: Wie die Krise entstand und wie sie überwunden werden kann, IMK Report 38, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Düsseldorf, Germany.

Proa?o, C.R. (2009), Es la economía intrínsicamente estable? Lecciones de la actual crisis financiera mundial para el dise?o de nuevos modelos macroeconómicos, POL?MIKA, 1(1), 110- 119.

Horn, G.A., Proa?o, C.R. & A. Truger (2009), Die Schuldenbremse – eine Wachstumsbremse (The Debt Brake – a Growth Break). IMK Policy Brief, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Düsseldorf, Germany.

Horn, G.A., Niechoj, T., Proa?o, C.R., Truger, A., Vesper, D. & R. Zwiener (2008), Stellungnahme zum Entwurf eines Begleitgesetzes zur zweiten F?deralismusreform BT Drucksache 16/12400 und Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur ?nderung des Grundgesetzes BT Drucksache 16/12410IMK Report 29, Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK), Düsseldorf, Germany.

Logeay, C., Proa?o, C.R., Schwenkenberg, J., Stephan, S. & S. Yahnych (2005), Modelling European Business Cycles (EBC Model): A Macroeconometric Model of France, DIW Berlin, Data Documentation 2, Berlin, Germany.

Logeay, C., Proa?o, C.R.,Stephan, S., Yahnych, S. & R. Zwiener (2005), Modelling European Business Cycles (EBC Model): A Macroeconometric Model of the Netherlands.DIW Berlin, Data Documentation 3, Berlin, Germany.