Michael Neuner M.Sc.
Research Associate
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
Room F21/02.24
Tel. 0951-863-1513
E-Mail: Michael.neuner(at)stud.uni-bamberg.de
Brief Biography
Michael Neuner graduated his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with focus on banking at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Then he studied at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg the master program European Economic Studies (M.Sc.) and graduated in September 2019. He wrote his thesis about the topic "Assessing Countercyclical Capital Buffers in an Agent-Based Macrofinancial Framework", for which he was awarded with the Keynes Young Talent Prize. Michael Neuner is a PhD student at the Professorship for Economics, esp. Macroeconomics and International Finance since January 2020.
Fields of Research
Financial Markets, Macroprudential Regulation, Agent-Based Modeling