Sociology as a minor with 45 ECTS credits

Regulations and Documents

The discipline Sociology can be studied as a minor subject in a number of degree programs (bachelor) with a scope of 30 or 45 ECTS credits.

The basis for the minor subject is provided by the Study and Examination Regulations for Minor Subjects (here especially §43 Sociology).

The following regulations(77.2 KB, 3 pages) apply to the modules to be completed. Detailed information on the options and descriptions of the modules can be found in the Module Handbook for the Minor Subject Sociology.

    Study Program and Study Plan

    The minor subject Sociology consists of mandatory modules as well as elective modules. The following modules must be completed as mandatory:

    • Sociological Theory I and II (Allgemeine Soziologie I und II)
    • Analysis of Social Structures I and II (Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich I und II)

    Following this, there is the opportunity to specialize in various areas of sociology. Modules from the methods of empirical social research and modules from the core areas of the major fields of study of the Bachelor's program in sociology are available for selection:

    • Education, labor, family, life course
    • Population, migration, integration
    • European and global studies
    • Communication and internet
    • Labor market, labor organization, occupational science

    The minor subject Sociology with 45 ECTS includes a mandatory area and an elective mandatory area.


    The following modules must be completed in the mandatory area:

    ModulesType*ECTS creditsCycleExam**
    BA Soz A.1.1 Sociological Theory I
    (Allgemeine Soziologie I)
    V5WiSeWritten Exam (60 minutes)
    BA Soz A.1.2 Sociological Theory II
    (Allgemeine Soziologie II)
    V5SoSeWritten Exam
    (60 minutes)
    BA Soz A.2 Analysis of Social Structures I and II
    (Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich I und II) 1
    V10WiSeWritten Exam
    (120 minutes)

    Two modules from the core area of one major field of study1 of the BA Sociology:

    BA Soz D.1.1, BA Soz D.2.1, BA Soz D.4.1, BA Soz D.5.1, BA Soz D.6.1

    V / S / SU5+5WiSe / SoSeOther

    One module from Advanced Sociological Theory 1-3 (Vertiefung Allgemeine Soziologie 1-3) or another module from one of the core areas of the major fields of study of the BA Sociology:

    BA Soz E.1.2, BA Soz E.1.3, BA Soz E.1.4, BA Soz D.1.1, BA Soz D.2.1, BA Soz D.4.1, BA Soz D.5.1, BA Soz D.6.1

    V / S / SU5WiSe / SoSeOther


    The elective area includes either:

    ModulesType*ECTS credtisCycleExam**

    Two modules from the core area of another major field of study1 of the BA Sociology:

    BA Soz D.1.1, BA Soz D.2.1, BA Soz D.4.1, BA Soz D.5.1, BA Soz D.6.1

    V / S / SU5+5WiSe / SoSeOther

    1 The following major fields of study of the Bachelor's degree program in Sociology at the University of Bamberg are available: Education, labor, family, life course; Population, migration, integration; European and global studies; Communication and internet; Labor market, labor organization, occupational science.


    ModulesType*ECTS creditsCycleExam
    BA Soz B.1.1 Introduction to Methods of Empirical Social Research I
    (Einführung in die Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung Teil I)
    V5WiSeWritten Exam
    (60 minutes)
    BA Soz B.1.2 Introduction to Methods of Empirical Social Research II
    (Einführung in die Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung Teil II)
    V5SoSeWritten Exam
    (60 minutes)

    * V: Lecture, ?: Excercise, S: Seminar, SU: Seminar lessons

    ** If Sonstiges (Other) is specified under examination, the examination form will be announced in the first session of the course.


    Study Recommendation

    The two-semester lectures Sociological Theory I and II (Allgemeine Soziologie I und II), Analysis of Social Structures I and II (Sozialstruktur im internationalen Vergleich I und II) and Introduction to Methods of Empirical Social Research I and II (Einführung in die Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung Teil I und II) should ideally be started in the winter semester.


    Retake of Exams

    A failed module examination or partial module examination can be repeated according to §2 sentence (6) Examination and Study Regulations for the Bachelor's program in Sociology at the University of Bamberg at a regular examination date and without limitation on the number of attempts.