Orientation Days Sociology
Dear first semester students,
welcome to Bamberg Sociology!
Every semester, one week before the start of the lecture period, the Orientation Days take place. In addition to general information about studying at the University of Bamberg, you will receive specific information about studying Sociology in Bamberg as part of an introduction to the subject and in the tutorial courses.
Information for students in the first semester of the Bachelor's, Master's and minor subject Sociology
Information about starting your studies
All important information will be given in the introduction to the subject and in the tutorial courses on Tuesday, April 15.
Video-Tutorials and sample timetables
Some information has been recorded as video tutorials for you to watch. There are also sample timetables for the first semester. These can be found on the Virtual Campus Erstsemestereinführung BA Soziologie (Orientation Days Bachelor Sociology).
Presentation on the introduction to the subject
In the presentation on the introduction to the subject(2.1 MB, 25 pages)(will be updated to the version for SS2025 as soon as available) the course structure is shown.
Information about starting your studies
All important information will be given in the introduction to the subject and in the tutorial courses on Tuesday, April 15.
Video-Tutorials and sample timetables
Some information has been recorded as video tutorials for you to watch. There are also sample timetables for the first semester. These can be found on the Virtual Campus Erstsemestereinführung MA Soziologie (Orientation Days Master Sociology).
Presentation on the introduction to the subject
In the presentation on the introduction to the subject(2.6 MB, 22 pages)(will be updated to the version for SS2025 as soon as available) the course structure is shown.
Information about starting your studies
All important information about the minor subject Sociology will be given in the introduction to the subject and in the tutorial session on Monday, April 14. In addition, you can find all other dates for your major subjects on the websites of the central student advisory sercive.
Video-Tutorials and sample timetables
Some information has been recorded as video tutorials for you to watch. There are also sample timetables for the first semester. These can be found on the Virtual Campus Erstsemestereinführung NF Soziologie (Orientation Days Minor subject Sociology).
Presentation on the introduction to the subject
In the presentation on the introduction to the subject(2.1 MB)(will be updated to the version for SS2025 as soon as available) the course structure is shown.
General information on starting your studies
Registration for courses |
Exam registration |
Re-registration |
UnivIS: A timetable can be created here each semester |
FlexNow: Under "Start FlexNow2" you will find the page for Exam Registration and Deregistration, Exam results etc. |
Virtual Campus (VC): Here you will find all courses with the respective course materials |
University's online services: On this website you will find, among other things, your study certificates |
IAM-Portal of the University of Bamberg (Identity-Access-Management) |
Links to module handbooks (MHBs), examination regulations (POs) and information brochures |
Sociology mailing list |
Academic Advisor for Sociology |
University of Bamberg and Studying in general |
Bamberg University Library |
Technology and Internet |
Life in Bamberg |
Offer of the University Sports |
Representatives of the Faculty SoWi |
We wish all new students a great Orientation Week and a good start to their studies!