Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

Fotograf: Jürgen Schabel / ? Universit?t Bamberg Jürgen Schabel/Universit?t Bamberg

Your representatives from left to right: Désirée Wieland, Guy-Niklas Brunotte, Leonore Peters, Aaron Kasischke, Susann Sachse-Thürer, Rafael Kothe, Bettina Mayr

Welcome to the homepage of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration!
On this page you will find information about our team, our work, and current information concerning the Non-Professorial Academic Staff.

Our work is mainly related to our faculty and is therefore especially directed to its members. We would like to refer you to the pages of the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff, where you can find information and topics concerning all faculties.