Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff of the Faculty

Susann Sachse-Thürer (Dipl.-Soz.)

Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor for Sociology

Responsibilities: Voting member of the faculty council and of the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 3910

E-mail: susann.sachse(at)

Office: F21/01.15

Office Hours:  Wednesday, 10:00 - 13:00
Please make an appointment in advance by e-mail.

Désirée Wieland (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Chair of Sales & Marketing

Responsibilities: Voting member of the faculty council and of the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 3864

E-mail: desiree.wieland(at)

Office: F21/02.29a

Office Hours: By Appointment.

Guy-Niklas Brunotte (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Professorship for Mathematics in Economics

Responsibilities: Voting member of the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 2739

E-mail: guy.brunotte(at)

Office: F21/00.72

Office Hours: By Appointment.

Bettina Mayr (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Chair of Innovation Management

Responsibilities: Deputy Representative in the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 3620

E-mail: Bettina.mayr(at)

Office: K?7/00.18

Office Hours: By Appointment.

Aaron Kasischke (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Chair of International Accounting and Auditing

Responsibilities: Deputy Representative in the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 2542

E-mail: aaron.kasischke(at)

Office: F21/03.40

Office Hours: By Appointment.

Rafael Kothe (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Chair of Macroeconomics and International Finance

Responsibilities: Deputy Representative in the General Assembly of the Representatives of the Non-Professorial Academic Staff

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 2580

E-mail: rafael.kothe(at)

Office: F21/02.08

Office Hours: By Appointment.

Leonore Peters (M.Sc.)

Research Assistant of the Chair of Sales & Marketing

Responsibilities: Deputy Representative in the Senate

Tel: +49 (0)951 - 863 2613

E-mail: leonore.peters(at)

Office: F21/02.28a

Office Hours: By Appointment.