Our Work

?????Women's Representatives are responsible for the prevention of disadvantages for female academics, teachers, and students … (1) 1 Universities promote the effective enforcement of equal opportunity for women and men and utilize this as a guiding principle; they work toward eliminating existing disadvantages. 2 In order to ensure equal opportunity for women and men, women are prioritized based upon suitability, qualifications, and professional performance (Art. 33 Para. 2 of the Basic Federal Law). 3 The aim of the funding is to increase the ratio of women at all levels of academia. (Art. 4 Para. 1 & 2 of the Bavarian Higher Education Act)


The long-term goal is for the proportion of female professors to be at least 50 percent in the subjects in which female students make up the majority. In all other subjects, the proportion of female professors should not be less than that of female students.” (2019 Equal Opportunities Concept of the University of Bamberg, p. 24)


Please Note: The English translation of the above excerpts is only intended to help people who are not fluent in German to better understand their rights to equality and non-discrimination and the legal basis of the SoWi Faculty Women’s Representatives. Any discrepancies or differences that may arise in the translations of the official German versions of these materials are not binding and have no legal standing.

??????We, as the Representatives for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration, would like to achieve the stated goal for our faculty as well. Therefore, our range of responsibilities includes the following tasks:

  • As voting members of faculty appointment committees, we ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and equally.
  • As voting members on the faculty council, we represent the interests of the women in our faculty.
  • We regularly discuss current and upcoming questions, problems, and activities in the University-wide Women's Affairs Advisory Board.
  • We work toward gender equality in other committees, e.g. in the accreditation of degree programs, in an advisory capacity on the jury for the faculty-wide award for good teaching, etc.
  • We use the equal opportunity funds to support research projects by employees, doctoral candidates, and students.
  • We offer networking opportunities for female academic staff.
  • We draw attention to the Respecting Boundaries policy and give advice on it.
  • We are the contact point for advice on studying with children, funding opportunities (e.g. for conference trips), career advice, sexual harassment/discrimination, and any kind of disrespect of boundaries.

We hope that our work makes a visible contribution toward equal opportunity and a respectful environment. We are always open to suggestions, questions, or discussions. Just visit us or write an email to sowi.frauenbeauftragte(at)uni-bamberg.de.