Teaching Gender Studies
Gender and Diversity on UnivIS: the Gender Checkmark
??????Events related to the topics of gender and diversity can now be easily found using a filtered search function on UnivIS. We have compiled all the important information for students and lecturers here.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.
?????Here is how staff can label events:
In the "Create/Edit Course" area under "Topics and Interests", you can mark your course with the "Gender and Diversity" checkmark. Under "Additional Information"/the "Change Additional Information" button in UnivIS, you can also save more detailed information on how extensively your course is dedicated to the topics of gender and diversity. Identifying your course with the checkmark and adding a more detailed description under the additional information section are also useful steps even if your course only touches on topics of gender and diversity to a limited extent (e.g. one seminar session). Act now to help make the topics of gender and diversity in teaching more visible!

Here is how students can find labeled events:
Students can find these courses by clicking on the arrow to the right of "Search: Course". The "Advanced Search" tab appears in the left column on UnivIS. After selecting "Advanced Search", students will see a form open in which they can check “Gender and Diversity” under “Topics and Interests”. UnivIS then outputs a list of all courses at the University of Bamberg that have been labeled by staff with a checkmark for gender and diversity.

Gender & Diversity Course Catalogue
??????The Representatives for Equal Opportunities and the Vice President for Diversity and International Affairs at the University of Bamberg have created a catalog of courses on gender and diversity in which they have compiled all courses that have been labeled as relating to the topics of gender and diversity.
You can find the course catalog and other information on the topic of gender and diversity in teaching on the Vice President’s website.
Course Reserves of the SoWi Faculty Representatives for Equal Opportunities
??????In our course reserve, you will find an exciting collection of literature on the topics of feminism, gender, and equality.